英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 13:20:52

a good deal

英 [ə ɡud di:l]

美 [e ɡʊd dil]

许多; 大量
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. to a very great degree or extent

e.g. I feel a lot better
we enjoyed ourselves very much
she was very much interested
this would help a great deal

Synonym: a lotlotsa great dealmuchvery much

1. 许多,大量;...得多:a few 少许,一些 | a good deal 许多,大量;...得多 | a good few 相当多,不少


2. (接不可数名词)许多,大量:a few (表示肯定)有些,几个 | a good deal (接不可数名词)许多,大量 | a little (表示肯定)一些,一点点

3. a good deal的近义词

3. 许多:safety aids 安全设备 | a good deal 许多 | stretch 伸展, 伸长 一段时间, 一段路程, 伸展


4. 非常,极其,大量:all of a sudden突然 | a good deal非常,极其,大量 | a stream of一连串,一系列

"She'll have to alter a good deal," answered Mrs. Medlock.(“那她得改变很多。”梅德罗克太太回答说。)
Big business will never let petty nationalism get in the way of a good deal.(大公司绝不会因为狭隘的民族主义而耽误一笔大买卖。)
Whether such properties are a good deal will depend on individual situations.(这样的房产是否买得值要视具体情况而定。)
The Toad fidgeted a good deal, but the Rat held him firmly down.(癞蛤蟆托德坐立不安,水鼠兰特却把他牢牢地按住。)
The new position invested her with a good deal of responsibility.(新职位赋予她重大的责任。)
"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat.(“这在很大程度上取决于你想去哪儿。”猫说。)
I'd a good deal rather be a pirate, now that I've tried it.(现在既然试过了,我情愿当海盗。)
Some preteens are able to handle a good deal of responsibility.(一些青春期前的儿童有能力承担很多责任。)
That appears to relieve you a good deal.(那似乎使你大大松了口气。)
GM has struck a good deal.(通用汽车公司做成了一笔极好的买卖。)
a good deal是什么意思 a good deal在线翻译 a good deal什么意思 a good deal的意思 a good deal的翻译 a good deal的解释 a good deal的发音 a good deal的同义词