英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 12:39:58

across from

英 [əˈkrɔs frɔm]

美 [əˈkrɔs frʌm]

在 ... 对过; 在 ... 对面
  • 网络解释

1. 在...对面:across 横过 在对面 | across from 在......对面 | next 紧靠......的旁边 贴近

2. 隔着.....与....正对面:ahead of 在....前面 | across.....from.... 隔着.....与....正对面 | in the middle 在中间

3. 面对:across country 越过田野 | across from 面对 | across the tracks 在贫民区

4. 在......对过:according to 根据......;按照 | across from 在......对过 | add ... to ... 把......加到......上

It's across from the gym.(它在体育馆的对面。)
My assistant's office is across from mine.(我助理的办公室和我的正对着。)
There's a school just across from our house.(有一所学校就在我们房子对面。)
I live across from our school.(我就住在学校对面。)
The bus stop is on the left, across from the supermarket.(公交车站就在左边,超市的对面。)
Across from the park is the supermarket.(公园的对面就是超市。)
My secretary sits across from me.(我的秘书面对着我坐下。)
She sits across from me.(她坐在我的对面。)
You mean it's across from the building of Dazhou TV station?(你是说它就在达州电视台大楼对面吗?)
I sat across from him.(我在他对面坐下。)
across from是什么意思 across from在线翻译 across from什么意思 across from的意思 across from的翻译 across from的解释 across from的发音 across from的同义词