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更新时间:2024-06-03 16:17:49

drum up

英 [drʌm ʌp]

美 [drʌm ʌp]

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1. gather

e.g. drum up support

Synonym: beat uprally

1. 竭力争取(支持);兜揽(生意)
If you drum up support or business, you try to get it.

e.g. The UN secretary-general arrived in Tokyo to drum up support for international peacekeeping...
e.g. It is to be hoped that he is merely drumming up business.

1. 击鼓召集;招来;唤起;争取:drum out开除;逐出 | drum up击鼓召集;招来;唤起;争取 | 20.flexible package 软包装

2. drum up

2. 招徕:drum out 轰走 | drum up 招徕 | drum

3. 招徕,征集,争取;制造,捏造:1. drum out v.轰走,开除 | 2. drum up 招徕,征集,争取;制造,捏造 | 3. side drum n.(爵士乐队或军乐队中的)小鼓

4. 大力争取,大力招揽(顾客):face with 面对 | drum up 大力争取,大力招揽(顾客) | under the table 背地里,私下

This week's demonstration was designed to drum up interest in the platform.(本周的演示是为了招徕对这个平台的关注。)
Some clubs are started by employment consultants - sometimes out-of-work ones - who hope to drum up clients.(有的就业社是职业顾问发起建立的,这些人有时是为了更多人的加入,才成立的社团。)
The president is attempting to drum up public support for his economic programme.(总统正试图为他的经济计划争取公众的支持。)
Barack Obama went to Indiana and Florida to drum up support from voters in towns hit hard by the recession. See article.(巴拉克·奥巴马也到印第安纳州和福罗里达州去争取被经济萧条严重打击的市民的支持。)
Language Media Agency is clearly a forward-thinker in using technology to drum up new business and market opportunities.(LanguageMediaAgency是一个具有技术前瞻性的公司,它看到了新技术所带来的新的商业和市场机会。)
He is also finding new ways to drum up advertising, such as introducing a business column sponsored by a local bank.(他还找到了新的加强广告宣传的方法,如引入由一家本地银行资助的商业专栏。)
Many people also use this kind of opportunity to drum up business for their side passions.(很多人都借助这种机会开创自己感兴趣的事业。)
It is implausible that Goldman tried to drum up public interest.(高盛怂恿公众关注一说,有点难以置信。)
Chinese staff will drum up business from local branches.(中国的管理者们将通过当地分行来招揽业务。)
Some retailers have even given gift cards away in an effort to drum up business.(一些零售商为了招揽更多的生意,甚至赠送礼卡。)
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