英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 16:45:42

ease off

英 [i:z ɔf]

美 [iz ɔf]

减轻; 缓和
  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释


1. reduce pressure or intensity

e.g. he eased off the gas pedal and the car slowed down

Synonym: ease uplet up

2. become less intense

Synonym: ease upslacken offflag

1. (在程度、速度、强度等上)缓和,减轻,减弱
If something eases off, or a person or thing eases it off, it is reduced in degree, speed, or intensity.

e.g. These days, the pressure has eased off...
e.g. The rain had eased off...

After the injection her pain began to ease off.(打针后她的疼痛开始减轻了。)
Now he is under pressure to ease off.(现在他是在缓解身上的压力。)
If you're huffing and puffing, ease off. Don't worry about going too slow.(如果你气喘吁吁,请你放轻松,不用太担心你跑太慢。)
What we did want was to ease off our guns at the enemy flagship.(我们真正要做的是对准敌人的旗舰开炮。)
Now that the children are back at school, I can ease off.(现在孩子们返校了,我可以松口气了。)
We want to ease off the defensive capabilities of Retribution and Holy paladins slightly.(我们想略微降低一点惩戒与神圣圣骑士的防御能力。)
You look very tired , you ' d better ease off.(你看来很疲倦,最好减轻点工作量吧。)
After the border agreement was signed, the tension between the two countries began to ease off.(边界协定签订以后,两国的紧张关系开始缓和下来。)
"Whenever I felt the heat might come down, I would ease off. It was a very careful procedure," he said.(“每当我感到激动,我就会放松下来。这是个很小心的过程,”他说。)
One day, you feel tired, you ease off.(某一天,您感到累了,可以跑得轻松些。)
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