英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 19:26:24

knock about

英 [nɔk əˈbaut]

美 [nɑk əˈbaʊt]

粗暴地对待; 到处游荡; 碰撞
  • 英英释义

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1. strike against forcefully

e.g. Winds buffeted the tent

Synonym: buffetbatter

2. be around
be alive or active

e.g. Does the old man still kick around?

Synonym: kick aroundkick about

1. <口>接连打击; (浪等)冲击(船等碰撞:keep up with 跟上;赶上 | knock about 接连打击;(浪等) 冲击 (船等碰撞 | later on 后来,稍后

2. knock about是什么意思

2. 使颠簸:knobinsulator 鼓形绝缘子 | knock about 使颠簸 | knock down 拆开

3. 接连打击.冲击;漫游:9. at hand 近在手边,在附近 | 10. knock about 接连打击.冲击;漫游 | 11. all of a sudden 突然地:冷小防

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Sorry, I was about to knock.(抱歉我正想敲门。)
Earlier this week, VentureBeat wrote about an eighth grader who used a similar tool to create a simple game and knock Angry Birds out of the top free spot in the App store.(本周早些时候,VentureBeat报道了一个八年级生使用类似的工具创建了一个简单游戏,将《愤怒的小鸟》踢下了苹果商店免费游戏下载量排行的王座。)
He started to complain about this wicked world but was interrupted by a knock at the door.(他开始抱怨起这个邪恶的世道来,却被一阵敲门声打断了。)
Nike, another major outlet for basketball kit, seem equally unconcerned about knock-offs.(耐克作为另外一个主要的篮球装备商家,似乎同样也是对盗版不太在意。)
He came over, and was about to begin a conversation with her, when a knock came at their door.(他走了过去,刚要开口和她说话,传来了敲门声。)
Finally, to produce the knock sequence itself, you could use many methods, but programming knock is the simplest way to go about it.(最后,可以使用多种方法产生敲门序列本身,编写knock命令是最简单的方法。)
The business will knock about 5 per cent off Lenovo's full-year earnings per share, including the slight dilution from the shares issued to IBM.(该业务将令联想的全年每股盈利削减5%,包括向IBM发行股票后造成的轻微稀释。)
But roof gardeners also have to think about winds that can knock over tender vines.(但屋顶园丁也必须考虑风,风可以打翻葡萄的嫩藤。)
There was a knock at the door just as we were about to have dinner.(我们正要吃晚饭的时候有人敲门。)
I don't like the children playing in this room, for fear they knock the furniture about.(我不喜欢孩子们在这间房子里玩,唯恐他们把家具打坏了。)
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