英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 19:15:45

let down

英 [let daun]

美 [lɛt daʊn]

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  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释


1. fail to meet the hopes or expectations of

e.g. Her boyfriend let her down when he did not propose marriage

Synonym: disappoint

2. move something or somebody to a lower position

e.g. take down the vase from the shelf

Synonym: lowertake downget downbring down


1. 放下,降低;使失望:let alone 不干涉;不碰 | let down 放下;降低;使...失望 | let go 放开;释放;发射

2. 使失望:leave out 省略 | let down 使失望 | let sb. down 让某人失望

3. 放下:let daylight into 明朗 | let down 放下 | let drive at 对准打

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

  • Let's take step by step.
  • let
  • Let's check with others.
  • Let me peruse this face.
  • Let no barrier stop you.
  • Let's march single file.
  • Let us finalize tonight.
  • Let's share in your joy.
  • Let's button up the job.
  • Let's get down to cases.
  • Letov
  • Let us argue about this.
The company now has a large number of workers who feel badly let down.(现在公司里现在有很多员工感到很失望。)
Rapunzel let down the braids of her hair, and the enchantress climbed up to her.(莴苣姑娘垂下她的发辫,女巫顺着它爬了上去。)
Then Rapunzel let down the braids of her hair, and the enchantress climbed up to her.(莴苣姑娘立刻垂下她的发辫,女巫顺着它爬了上去。)
He trudged home feeling lonely and let down.(他步履艰难地往家走,感到孤独而沮丧。)
Did you ever feel let down?(你曾经有觉得失望吗?)
And through a window in a basket was I let down by the wall, and escaped his hands.(我就从窗户中,在筐子里从城墙上被人缒下去,脱离了他的手。)
Don't let down even if the going is good.(即便在顺利的情况下也不要松劲。)
A similar percentage felt let down by a lack of images on travel sites.(另外,有相同比例的受访者表示旅游网站缺少图片让他们失望。)
But we must not let down our guard.(但我们决不能放松警惕。)
Please let down the curtain.(请把窗帘放下来。)
let down是什么意思 let down在线翻译 let down什么意思 let down的意思 let down的翻译 let down的解释 let down的发音 let down的同义词