英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 19:39:24

map out

英 [mæp aut]

美 [mæp aʊt]

详细制定; 筹划
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1. plan, delineate, or arrange in detail

e.g. map one's future

Synonym: map

1. 设计;计划;规划;安排
If you map out something that you are intending to do, you work out in detail how you will do it.

e.g. I went home and mapped out my strategy...
e.g. I cannot conceive of anybody writing a play by sitting down and mapping it out...

1. 制定出:21.architectural industry 建筑工业 | 22.map out 制定出 | 23.city designing 城市设计

2. 绘图:map nadir 图幅天底点 | map out 绘图 | map overlay 地图着色

3. map out

3. 制订:Maori 毛利人 | map out 制订 | map 地图

With the whole it picture in hand, map out how the information flows from start to finish.(手边有了整体IT蓝图,下一步应规划信息如何从开头流向结束。)
Action: If you are a developer, map out a development timeline and get started.(行动:如果你是个程序员,那么就定制一个开发周期,然后开始干活。)
When you recognize the need for a reusable software asset it is key to map out a realization strategy.(当你认识到需要可重用的软件资产时,规划实现战略就很重要了。)
At the end of the call, if I have to get busy with other things, I'll print this map out and throw it into my in-basket.(会议结束后,尽管有时候不得不我忙于其他事,我会把这个规划图打印出来放到我的代办事宜夹里。)
This survey will map out the many ways in which these economic newcomers are affecting the developed world.(这份调查将勾勒出这些经济新来者影响发达世界的种种方式。)
These folks map out a plan - a predetermined, structured plan.(这些家伙相信提出一个计划——预定的,有组织的计划。)
We must map out program step by step.(我们必须逐步制定我们的规划。)
Grab a piece of paper and map out your success.(拿一张纸并画下通往成功的路!)
You don't need to map out your entire goal - just your first milestone.(你不必制定出你的整个目标,只需要写出第一个重要事件即可。)
Now that you've decided to quit smoking, it's time to map out your quit-smoking action plan.(一旦你决心戒烟,就该制定出戒烟的行动计划。)
map out是什么意思 map out在线翻译 map out什么意思 map out的意思 map out的翻译 map out的解释 map out的发音 map out的同义词