英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 21:36:44

play on

[plei ɔn]

演奏; 利用
  • 词典解释

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1. 利用(恐惧、弱点或过失)
If you play on someone's fears, weaknesses, or faults, you deliberately use them in order to persuade that person to do something, or to achieve what you want.

play on的意思

e.g. ...an election campaign which plays on the population's fear of change...
e.g. I felt guilty saying that, playing on her generosity.


1. 利用:play off 使出丑 | play on 利用 | play one's best card 使出绝招


2. 继续比赛(或演奏):play off 使出丑, 把...假装, | play on 继续比赛(或演奏) | play out 演出;放出, (使)筋疲力尽;使破产; 结束

3. play on

3. 播放音:通信游戏 play by mail | 播放音 play on | 播放,回放 playback

4. play on是什么意思

4. 利用(某人的感情等):play with fire 玩火,冒险 | play on 利用(某人的感情等) | point out 指出,指明

  • 情景对话


play on的解释

A:What did you think of the food?

play on

B:It was delicious. I especially liked the garlic mashed potatoes.

A:You’re right, those were fantastic.

B:Did you like your food?

play on的翻译

A:I was a bit disappointed in my main course, actually. The sauce was too rich.

play on

B:How about the dessert?

A:That was the best chocolate mousse I’d ever eaten! I might go back there just for that next time!

play on的近义词

B:The service was pretty good, too, wasn’t it?

A:Yes, they were very attentive. My glass was always full.

play on

B:I liked the atmosphere. It was nice to eat in a quiet restaurant.

A:What did you think of the jazz ensemble that was there?

B:You know, I think they were the same ones who play at Aria on Friday nights.
你知道吗,我觉得他们就是每周五晚上在Aria 演出的那个乐团。

A:I think you’re right. I really like the female singer. She has such a mesmerizing voice.

B:Not as mesmerizing as yours!

I want to play on the slide with my friends.(我想和我的朋友一起玩滑滑梯。)
When did you first play on your own?(你第一次独自玩是什么时候?)
Do you like to play on the seesaw?(你喜欢玩跷跷板吗?)
I really enjoy that piece you just play on the piano.(我真的很喜欢你刚才弹的那首钢琴曲。)
I like to play on the slide.(我喜欢玩滑梯。)
You can play on the seesaw.(你可以荡秋千。)
The children all like to play on the seesaw.(孩子们都喜欢玩跷跷板游戏。)
Yunbo: So girls play on your team.(云波:这么说,队员里还有女孩呢。)
Little boys, being what they are, might decide to play on it.(小男孩们也许会决定耍弄它,因为他们就是这样。)
The home team claimed a penalty but the referee told them to play on.(主队要求判点球,但裁判却要他们继续比赛。)
play on是什么意思 play on在线翻译 play on什么意思 play on的意思 play on的翻译 play on的解释 play on的发音 play on的同义词