英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 21:17:49

put through

英 [put θru:]

美 [pʊt θru]

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1. pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue

e.g. Did he go through with the treatment?
He implemented a new economic plan
She followed up his recommendations with a written proposal

Synonym: follow throughfollow upfollow outcarry outimplementgo through

2. connect by telephone

e.g. the operator put a call through to Rio

1. 为…接通电话
When someone puts through someone who is making a telephone call, they make the connection that allows the telephone call to take place.

e.g. The operator will put you through...
e.g. He asked to be put through to Charley Lunn.

2. 使遭受
If someone puts you through an unpleasant experience, they make you experience it.

put through是什么意思

e.g. She wouldn't want to put them through the ordeal of a huge ceremony...
e.g. Those two husbands put me through hell.

1. 使穿过;使从事:put out 熄灭;关(灯出版 . | put through 使穿过;使从事 . | put to (船只顺避风等而)靠岸 .

2. 接通(电话):go through审阅;检查;学习 | put... through接通电话 | see through看穿;识破

3. 使穿过:put the interests of ...ahead把...利益置于...之前 | put through 使穿过 | put up 建立

4. 使穿过;使从事;接通(电话),为...接通电话:put to (船只顺避风等而)靠岸 | put through 使穿过;使从事;接通(电话),为...接通电话 | put out 熄灭;关(灯出版;伸出;生产

  • 情景对话


A:This is the Royal Hotel operator, can I help you?

B:Hello. I would like to make a collect call, please.

put through在线翻译

A:What is your name, and where are you now, please?

B:This is Tom, Li in China.
汤姆;我叫汤姆。 李,在中国。

A:What's the extension number?

put through的意思

B:The number is 245.

A:May I speak to Mr. Janson, please?

put through的解释


put through的近义词

A:This is hotel operator. I have a collect call from Mr. Tom, Li in China. Will you accept the charge?

C:Yes, of course. I'm waiting for his call.

A:Hello, Mr. Li, are you here?

B:Yes, I am.

A:I will put the call through for you now.

The operator will put you through.(接线员将为你接通电话。)
I was a management trainee and was put through an old-fashioned training course. I worked in the shops on Saturdays and the factory outside London for a few months.(当时,我是他们的管理培训生,被安排参加一个老派的培训课程,周六到各家店铺和伦敦城外的工厂工作。)
As the water comes from steam released during the cooking process it is already clean, but Mr Seal said it will be put through an additional purification process before being reused.(因为这些水分来自烹制过程中散发的水蒸气,所以已经是清洁的。但是希尔先生表示在重新利用前,这些水分还将经过额外的净化处理。)
The task must be put through before dark.(这任务必须在天黑前完成。)
It has been prepared and diluted many times, and put through a series of tests before it is ready to use.(它经过准备,多次稀释和一系列的测试,最终投入使用。)
The call has been put through.(电话打通了。)
Each sample is put through the machine in order to separate seven different chemical compounds called phthalates.(每个样本都会放在这台机器里,来分离出七种称作酞酸盐的不同化合物。)
Twice a week they had to put through hotel linen, - the sheets, pillow-slips, spreads, table- cloths, and napkins.(他们每周要洗两次卧室用品:床单、枕头套、床罩、桌布和餐巾。)
Many of the singers were plucked from local choirs in poor townships and put through intensive training at the University of Cape Town’s opera school.(当时他们从萧条城镇的唱诗班中竭力选拔了许多演员并送往开普敦大学歌剧学院进行大强度训练。)
She had been put through events that were many times worse than anything I had experienced.(她已经接受那些比我们之前经历的还要糟糕的事情。)
put through是什么意思 put through在线翻译 put through什么意思 put through的意思 put through的翻译 put through的解释 put through的发音 put through的同义词