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更新时间:2024-05-27 22:52:57

safari park

英 [səˈfɑ:ri: pɑ:k]

美 [səˈfɑri pɑrk]


第三人称复数:safari parks

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safari park什么意思


1. an area of parkland where wild animals are kept and can be viewed by visitors driving through

1. 野生动物园:[赛福瑞海洋世界及野生动物园]泰国最大动物园,共划分为野生动物园(Safari Park)、海洋世界(Marine Park)两大园区. 野生动物园区-可乘坐冷气空调游园车,与以野生自然方式放养的鸵鸟、斑马、白犀牛等温驯动物,及孟加拉老虎、狮子、熊等猛兽近距离接触;

2. safari park是什么意思

2. 能开车进去游览的野生动物园:wild-life zoo 野生动物园 | safari park 能开车进去游览的野生动物园 | national park 国家公园

3. 野旺动物园:野餐 picnic | 野旺动物园 safari park | 滑雪 ski


4. 铱诎旺动物园:take pictures 拍照 | safari park 铱诎旺动物园 | see wild animals 观看野生动物

  • 临近词

After a safari in the Masai Mara park we were racing back to our camp trying to get home before sunset. No one is allowed out in the park after dark.(在马赛马拉公园的一次旅行游历之后,我们希望可以在日落之前赶回营地,因为公园不允许晚上有人在园中留宿。)
The chimps lived at the Blair Drummond Safari and Adventure Park in Stirling and spent most of the winters in indoor enclosures.(这头黑猩猩一直生活在布莱尔·德拉蒙德野生动物园和斯特灵的冒险乐园,在大部分冬天她都待在室内场地里。)
They will be trained by good specialists and will get better living conditions than they could have in the safari park.(它们接受优秀的专家训练,在那里它们能过上比在狩猎场要好得多的生活。)
They are petitioning for her to be moved from the concrete enclosure measuring 1, 000 square metres (1, 200 sq yards) where she is currently housed to a safari park environment with other elephants.(他们请愿希望将苏西从现在仅有1000平方米的圈养地搬至拥有其它大象的野生动物园之中。)
It is adjacent to the Shenzhen Safari Park, Kylin Villa, close to the Metro Line No. 5 University City exit.(酒店坐落于深圳科教基地大学城,毗邻深圳市野生动物园、麒麟山庄,紧靠地铁5号线大学城出口。)
I saw my first whale in a safari park outside london-a captive orca named ramu-back in the early 1970s.(我第一次看到鲸鱼是在1970年初伦敦郊外的一个野生动物园里,那是一头叫拉姆的逆戟鲸。)
We went to a safari park in Africa last year.(我们去年去了非洲的野生(狩猎)保护区。)
An elephant at West Midland Safari Park, UK, put its size to good use when it helped a zoo keeper start his car by giving it a shove, the Daily Telegraph reported.(据《每日电讯报》报道,日前,在英国西米德兰野生动物园,一头大象帮助一辆汽车脱离困境。)
New Zealand is a big safari park which has a variety of wild animals.(新西兰是一个巨大的野生动物园,这里有着种类繁多的野生动物。)
Shall we go to the safari park?(我们将要去野生动物园吗?)
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