英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 23:08:48

see eye to eye

英 [si: ai tu: ai]

美 [si aɪ tu aɪ]

完全一致, 有相同的看法;

  • 英英释义


1. be in agreement

e.g. We never saw eye to eye on this question

I see eye to eye with my wife.(我和我妻子意见一致。)
We don't usually see eye to eye on many things.(我们在许多事情上意见不和。)
I don't see eye to eye with her on this matter.(在这件事情上我和她意见不一致。)
Good. I'm glad we see eye to eye.(太棒了。我很高兴我们俩的意见一致。)
My deskmate and I get along very well. We see eye to eye on most issues.(我的同桌和我相处得很好,在大部分事情上我俩意见都是一致的。)
I'm glad we see eye to eye.(很高兴我们的看法一致。)
We usually see eye to eye on the things that really matter.(我们对于重要事情总是看法一致。)
The headmaster and I do not always see eye to eye.(校长和我看法并非总是一致的。)
You don't have to see eye to eye to walk hand in hand.(你不一定得意见一致才能手牵手地同行。或者:意见不一致也能步调一致。)
My father and I see eye to eye on the problem.(我和我爸爸在这个问题上看法一致。)
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