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更新时间:2024-06-17 22:38:22

soap opera

英 [səup ˈɔpərə]

美 [sop ˈɑpərə]


第三人称复数:soap operas

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1. a serialized program usually dealing with sentimentalized family matters that is broadcast on radio or television (frequently sponsored by a company advertising soap products)

1. 肥皂剧
A soap opera is a popular television drama series about the daily lives and problems of a group of people who live in a particular place.

soap opera是什么意思

1. 连续剧:自从八十年代连续剧(SOAP OPERA) 的兴起,甲本土化的脚步赶紧了后,复增加「第三台」有线电视节目的刺激,电视剧著进入甲电影相争观众的时代. 九十年代有未少的本土题材连续剧,其中表现五,六十年代,台湾乡镇社会生活文化背景的「第一世家」,以台湾话 ...

2. 电视剧:恰可作为当代阅听中的文化时,有 项重点应当关 :首先,应当试图寻出国际(international)体济决定 的危机中,诚如布迪厄(Bourdieu)所提醒的,品味阶层 是一种僵化在全球化的形式下,电视剧(soap opera)具备 项特质:首先,


3. 电视广告剧:sea cucumber 海参 | soap opera 电视广告剧 | sweet water 饮用水

Surprisingly, I didn't flee the apartment in tears like they would on some cheesy soap opera.(奇怪的是,我并没有像某些三流肥皂剧中那样哭着跑掉。)
The latest Spanish language soap opera sensation, la Reina del Sur, debuted on Telemundo in March.(3月份,西语频道首播最新的西班牙语肥皂剧《LaReinadelSur》。)
A small colour television was tuned to an afternoon soap opera.(一台小彩电被调到了一个午后肥皂剧频道。)
Escalada is confident the environment radio soap opera will work.(Escalada相信这一针对环境的广播剧将会发挥作用。)
Why are you wasting your time watching that stupid soap opera?(为什么你把时候华侈在看愚笨的肥皂剧上?)
He expects to reveal, by presenting a soap opera, the complexity implicit in real life.(他期望通过上演一部肥皂剧来揭示现实生活所固有的复杂性。)
It was exciting week for the people on the soap opera "Young Lives".(对在肥皂剧《年轻人的生活》里的人来说,这是令人激动的一周。)
France has been gripped over the past few weeks by an extraordinary tale that has all the ingredients of a Hollywood soap opera.(在过去几周里,这则非同寻常的故事极大地震动了法国,这个故事具备好莱坞肥皂剧的一切要素。)
Mary Jane: Oh. They said I needed acting lessons. A soap opera told me I needed acting lessons.(玛丽?珍妮:哦,他们说我需要上表演课。一个肥皂剧告诉我,我需要上表演课。)
And we have complementary extension activities to reinforce the soap opera.(另外,我们还有一些补充性推广活动来加强该肥皂剧的效果。)
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