英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 23:11:39

sum total

英 [sʌm ˈtəutəl]

美 [sʌm ˈtotl]

总数; 总额
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1. the final aggregate

e.g. the sum of all our troubles did not equal the misery they suffered

Synonym: sumsummation

1. (通常用来表示总量非常小)总共,一切,全部
The sum total of a number of things is all the things added or considered together. You often use this expression to indicate that you are disappointed because the total amount is rather small.

e.g. That small room contained the sum total of the family's possessions...
e.g. We have already seen the sum total of his attributes.

1. sum total什么意思

1. 总计, 合计:television receiver 电视接收机,电视机 | sum total 总计, 合计 | schmooze vi.闲谈

2. 总数:foreign exchange 外汇 | sum total 总数 | per capita 人均

3. 总数,总额:3. mutual prosperity 共同繁荣 | 4. sum total 总数,总额 | 5. foreign investment 外国投资

4. 总计:sum to 共计 | sum total 总计 | sum up 计算总数

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The total sum is 12 by adding these two integers.(这两个整数之和为12。)
The demand is the sum total the world wants and can afford to pay for.(需求量是世界需要和能买得起的商品的总量。)
The total time for the project, then, is the sum of all the tasks.(这样,全部项目时间就变成了所有任务时间的总和了。)
In the end, we are all the sum total of our actions.(最终,我们就是我们行为的总和。)
The sum total of our life is every breath spent in the company of the Beloved.(我们生命的总合是有至爱陪伴的每一口呼吸。)
The total unadjusted points are the sum of all individual totals.(全部未经调整点是所有个人部分的总结。)
God is the sum total of all, which comprises each of you.(神是一切的总和,他包括你们每一个人。)
Therefore there is a total angular momentum which is the vectorial sum of the two.(因此,总的角动量,有两个向量。)
Finally, print the sum total.(最后,打印采购总计。)
It expresses the sum total of my knowledge.(这表达了我的知识的总和。)
sum total是什么意思 sum total在线翻译 sum total什么意思 sum total的意思 sum total的翻译 sum total的解释 sum total的发音 sum total的同义词