英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-28 01:45:02

wash up

英 [wɔʃ ʌp]

美 [wɑʃ ʌp]

饭后洗餐具; 洗脸和手; 将…冲上岸

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1. wash one's face and hands

e.g. She freshened up in the bathroom

Synonym: lave

2. wear out completely

e.g. This kind of work exhausts me
I'm beat
He was all washed up after the exam

Synonym: exhaustbeattuckertucker out

3. be carried somewhere by water or as if by water

e.g. The body washed up on the beach

4. wash dishes

e.g. I cook and my husband washes up after dinner

Synonym: do the dishes

5. carry somewhere (of water or current or waves)

e.g. The tide washed up the corpse

1. 洗餐具
If you wash up, you wash the plates, cups, cutlery, and pans which have been used for cooking and eating a meal.

e.g. I ran some hot water and washed up...
e.g. I bet you make breakfast and wash up their plates, too.

in AM, use 美国英语用 wash the dishes

2. 洗脸;洗手
If you wash up, you clean part of your body with soap and water, especially your hands and face.

e.g. He headed to the bathroom to wash up.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 wash

3. 退潮留下;(海水或河水)冲刷后留下
If something is washed up on a piece of land, it is carried by a river or sea and left there.

e.g. Thousands of herring and crab are washed up on the beaches during every storm...
e.g. The fossils appear to be an early form of seaweed washed up on a beach.

4. see also: washed up;washing-up

1. wash up

1. 洗餐具;洗手洗脸:warm up 变温暖;变热 | wash up 洗餐具;洗手洗脸 | watch out for 密切注意;戒备,提防

2. 洗餐具:wash sales 虚伪交易 | wash up 洗餐具 | wash

3. 洗碗碟等餐具;洗手脸; 洗手不干,不再过问:warn of警告(某人) | wash up洗碗碟等餐具;洗手脸; 洗手不干,不再过问 | wear off(病痛等)渐渐消失

4. 洗刷:watch TV看电视 | wash up洗刷 | go shopping去购物

When the oil starts to wash up in quantity, the greatest environmental threat will be to the Louisiana wetlands.(当裹着浮油的海水大肆冲刷海滩时,路易斯安纳湿地的生态环境将面临最严峻的威胁。)
I didn't wash up the pans.(我没有刷锅。)
She insisted on helping me wash up.(她坚持帮我洗餐具。)
Not one of them would wash up unless I asked them to, and then I probably wouldn't get it done properly anyway.(如果我不叫她们做,她们谁都不会去洗餐具,而我也很可能不会用适当的方式让她们来干活。)
Wash up before dinner. Ok, Mum.(晚饭前先洗洗吧。好的,妈妈。)
The Coast Guard said it had sent investigators to confirm whether crude oil had begun to wash up on parts of the Louisiana shoreline.(美海岸警卫队表示,他们已派出调查者验证原油是否已经开始触及路易斯安那州海岸线。)
Wash up before dinner. What did you do after school?(晚饭前先洗一洗。晚饭后你做了什么?。)
I take my time waking up,but then I wash up quickly.(我花了一些时间起床,然后很快地洗漱完毕。)
The environmental damage is slowly coming into view, as oiled birds wash up on the coast.(随着沾满油污的海鸟被冲向海岸,事故对环境的破坏开始缓缓显现出来。)
If there aren't any leaks, wash up with your new faucet fixture.(如果没有任何漏水,就可以清洗你的新水龙头了。)
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