英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-28 01:53:57

win over

英 [win ˈəuvə]

美 [wɪn ˈovɚ]

说服; 把 ... 争取过来
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1. make (someone) agree, understand, or realize the truth or validity of something

e.g. He had finally convinced several customers of the advantages of his product

Synonym: convertconvince

in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 win round

1. 赢得…的支持;说服;把…争取过来
If you win someone over or win them round, you persuade them to support you or agree with you.

win over的反义词

e.g. He has won over a significant number of the left-wing deputies...
e.g. They still hope to win him round.

1. 说服,把...争取过来:wear out用破,用坏,磨损;耗尽,使筋疲力尽 | win over说服,把...争取过来 | wipe out擦去,除去;消灭,毁灭


2. 争取过来:win its first gold medal 得到了第一块金牌 | win over 争取过来 | win the support of 得到......的支持

3. 胜诉:win out 胜利 | win over 胜诉 | win the day 得胜

4. 战胜;争取过来:insane: 不正常;精神错乱 | win over: 战胜;争取过来 | gender-neutral: 中性的

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Bloggers, college reporters to attend presentation designed to win over younger skeptics.(博客、高校记者要出席听讲,旨在说服年轻的怀疑者。)
This opinion was reinforced by the report he received on the 2-1 win over Slovenia.(他在英格兰2比1击败斯洛文尼亚后的采访中强调了这样的观点。)
Cork scrambled a 1–0 win over Monaghan.(科克队苦战莫纳亨队,以1:0获胜。)
McCain is hoping to win over many Clinton supporters, especially older women.(麦凯恩希望争取希拉里的众多支持者,特别是年纪大的女性选民。)
Mr Moynihan is working hard to win over fretful clients and investors.(莫尼汉先生正在努力工作以赢得焦虑不安的客户和投资者。)
Mr Mestrallet must also win over Suez's shareholders.(梅斯特雷也必须拉拢苏伊士集团的诸位股东。)
If Microsoft wants to win over advertisers, it might just do more with the browser.(微软想赢取广告商,就要用浏览器做更多的工作。)
He believes the best way to win over this group is to get them to train themselves.(他认为提高这些高龄主管参与度的最好方法就是让他们自主训练。)
The CHP is therefore having to win over voters by itself.(因此,共和人民党不得不独自去赢得选民的支持。)
The stick even re-emerged after the Gunners' 3-1 win over Burnley last weekend.(本特纳在上周枪手3:1胜伯恩利时还没有找到进球的感觉。)
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