英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 09:42:28
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1. The Shanghai index slipped 7 percent in June, although it closed the month up 43 percent from the end of last year.

2. That is up from an adjusted loss of $ 20 million a year earlier, and it compares with average analyst estimates of 7 cents per share.

3. Tsang also proposed to set up a HK $ 7 billion Elite Athletes Development Fund to provide comprehensive support for outstanding contenders.

4. The company recommended increasing its dividend payout to shareholders to 11 Swiss francs per share, up 57 percent from 7 Swiss francs paid out the previous year.

5. Yang said it would take a long time to draft another climate document, citing how it took 7 to 9 years to draw up the Kyoto Protocol.

6. The task force on constitutional development was set up on January 7 in accordance with the chief executive's 2004 policy address.

7. It is expected that inbound tourism revenue will reach US $ 7 billion this year, up 9 per cent over last year.

8. Chinese exports to the US market recorded 92 billion US dollars, with 7 billion US dollars of that made up of fabric products.

9. Reporters at the site saw rescuers had lifted away the wreckage and were finishing up their search for the missing at 7 pm.

10. ZTE's basic LTE patents make up 7 percent of the total in existence, Wang said.

1. I will come to pick you up on 7 o'clock!


2. After the procedure, mean IOP decreased by 7.73.5 mm Hg (30%), from 25.52.5 mm Hg to 17.92.8 mm Hg (P.001). SLT was ineffective in two eyes (4%), and three eyes (7%) required topical antiglaucoma medications to control IOP at the end of 18-month follow-up. IOP decreased by at least 5 mm Hg in 40 eyes (89%). There were no changes in visual acuity, visual fields, or gonioscopic findings.
在手术后,平均IOP 降低了7.7 ±3.5 毫米汞柱(30%),从25.5±2.5 毫米汞柱降低至17.9 ±2.8毫米汞柱(P 。001),SLT对於二只眼睛的效果不佳(4%),而且三只眼睛(7%)在18个月的追踪期结束后,需要局部的抗青光眼药物治疗,40 只眼睛的IOP至少降低了5 毫米汞柱(89%),视觉灵敏度、视野或视角并无改变。

3. 7-UP的反义词

3. July, the housing developer can not return bank loans, the banks prosecution developers, and is prepared to exercise Mortgages, the auction houses, and who was willing to buy a house, and she submitted to the station brothers themselves up to dry.

4. Very high degree of transparency of the sea of green, this afternoon I travel from the coast more than one kilometer away, the sea is really shallow, not a few heads and found that an empty fishing boats, climbed to the rest of the people on board into the sea摸鱼, they took潜水镜, with home-made guns of fish, as well as children 7-8 years old then, playing up the fish is not too great.


5. Day I has let me cook meal, the noisy bell has also bloomed, I have felt have sth. on one's mind to be engaged, as soon as do not know having been awake also slept well, got up luckily at 6 o'clock much time, in the evening, have been ready for breakfast for them, 2nd day has broken down, the noisy bell has also been unable to hear, one sleep to 7 o'clock, late meal of sleep still is to be going to compose, just being it is exactly by one point lately.

6. Results In 10 patients, 7 cases were benign, 1 was borderline, 2 cases were malignant. After treated by partial or subtotal gastrectomy, all patients were followed up for 6 month~6 years, all were survival.

7. Results: During the two years, 76 cases were diagnosed CIN and treated by LEEP, of whom 37 cases were CIN-Ⅰ, 7 CIN-Ⅱ, 2 CIN-Ⅲ, 21 CIN-Ⅰ-Ⅱ, 9 CIN-Ⅱ-Ⅲ. The time of follow-up visit ranged from three months to two years.
结果:本研究的CIN 76例中CIN-137例,CIN-Ⅱ7例、CIN-Ⅲ2例,CIN-Ⅰ-Ⅱ21例,CIN-Ⅱ-Ⅲ9例。76例CIN患者行LEEP术治疗后最长的随访2年,最短的三个月。

8. In the Jinmalun of Malaysia, be located in highland, grow a lot of cropland 7, but mount frame work, and, cropland 7 go up in the cane with respect to condole, they say that is cropland 7, appearance also very picture, normally they use boiling water of the chop that boil.

9. Taiwan's Central Weather Bureau said the storm had winds of up to 67 miles per hour and was headed northwest toward China at a speed of 7 mph.

10. A ship with 400 square metres of sail, operating in a strong, force 7 wind of 15 metres per second, could generate up to 100 kilowatts of electrical power, Platzer and Sarigul-Klijn calculate.

11. Soon after Locke's birth, the family moved to the market town of Pensford, about seven miles south of Bristol, where Locke grew up in a rural Tudor house in Belluton.


12. 4 No partition or display panel should be set up in the water sprinkling area with sprinkling devices.
7.4 任何隔墙或展示板不得设置在喷淋装置喷水区域内,与喷淋头之间至少保持0.5米(20英寸)距离。

13. 7-UP的翻译

13. In 2 cases screw cutting was occurred.1 case with infection was dead for heart and lung fracture in 7 days after operation, 53 patients with femur neck fracture were followed-up for 8~24 months with a mean of 17 months.
结果 股骨粗隆间骨折39例随访,随访时间8~18 月,平均13个月,DHS平均愈合时间 4.6个月,有2例发生股骨钉的切割。1例发生手术感染,术后7天并发心肺功能衰竭死亡。

14. September 25, 1949 liberation of Jiuquan Prefecture, in October to set up South West People's Government, directly under the County People's Government, under the jurisdiction of Huangcao, Changsha, Hong Zhuang, deep, Xifeng, Po Levin, of Tartu, Feng Hou, Manjusri, estuaries 12 Township People's Government, in January 1954, will Huangcao, Changsha, Hong Zhuang, deep, Xifeng, pagoda was placed under the 12th six rural area, in November 1955 revocation of the Central Government, by the Xifeng, pagoda Second Rural Township, the merger of People's Committee for Xifeng, in April 1958, the People's Committee and the Rural Xifeng Feng Hou, Xiang Zhuang two combined to set up the Southwest Rural Township, in September 1958 the establishment of rural people's communes Xifeng.

15. Mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens and examination was made for the survival Agrobacterium in the transgenic plants respectively in the process of transplanting and culturing on the culture medium. Results made out that transgenic plants got by repetitious selection were detected through the molecular biological examination and 80% showed positive reactions and the ELISA test indicated that the Bt toxoprotein was found in 7 transgenic sub-clones. It also proved that the transgenic plants could be cultured on the media added 50 mg/l kanamycin and 300 mg/l carbenicillin to clear up bacteria and select resistant shoots. Leaves, stems and roots of all the 28 transgenic plants were cultured on the YEB media added 50 mg/l kanamycin and the survival Agrobacterium were detected in 3 sub-clones(33, 37, 5) which could have existed for 24 months in the bottle.
结果表明:通过对转化再生植株的分子生物学检测,42个株系中,33个株系为阳性,阳性率达到80%;用Bt毒蛋白抗血清进行ELSA检测结果表明,7个转基因株系都有Bt杀虫蛋白表达;基因转化后,可采用附加50mg/L卡那霉素,300mg/L羧芐青霉素的筛选培养基消除细菌并进行抗性芽筛选;对28个转基因株系叶片、茎段和根段在含有卡那霉素50 mg/L YEB培养基上进行细菌培养,有3个株系(33、37、5号)检测到残存工程农杆菌,并在组培瓶中存活24个月,将带菌的3个株系组培苗移栽到花盆中,室内培养1个月后,在33号株系根际土壤中检测到了目的农杆菌。

16. His daily schedule for more than 4 years come frequently are this: 6oclock get up, is meeting in the dwelling reception patient, 8oclock 30 minute go to the clinic to go to work, afternoon when l 30minute get off work hurry back the apartment, 2 to 6 oclock work, evening 7 oclock make a house call to 12 oclock return to theapartment, before dawn 1 oclock sleeps, 1 day works a l7 hour.

17. 7-UP的意思

17. Because this has been ratcheting up and I helped contribute to ratcheting it up, I want to make clear that in my choice of words I unfortunately gave an impression that I was maligning the Cambridge Police Department or Sergeant Crowley specifically, and I could have calibrated those words differently.

18. 7-UP的近义词

18. And as for you, do not pray for this people, nor lift up a ringing cry or a prayer for them; and do not intercede with Me, for I will not hear you.
7:16 至于你,不要为这百姓祈祷,不要为他们呼求祷告,也不要向我为他们代求;因我必不听你。

19. Email us your flight number, terminal, time, both arrival and departure, if your time is during 8:00am-6:00pm, we could pick you up, if you arrive or depart during 6:01pm to the next day 7:59am, you could come by taxi (please find the map with chinese on about) or find a hotel(on your own cost, and please send us the address for picking up).

20. Take a look at why you need so much of this life-giving liquid: It assists the digestion, absorption and elimination of the food you eat It assists the excretion of waste from your bowel and kidneys It regulates your body temperature 24/7 It lubricates your joints and membranes Blood is your body's transport system, constantly distributing nutrients around the body Your blood is made up of approximately 92% water Body secretions and digestive juices are almost entirely water (your digestive system produces approximately 1.7 litres of saliva each day) Because of these many important tasks, in normal conditions your body needs between 1 and a half to 2 litres of water daily, i n order to function optimally.

If you can fit a whole computer, keyboard and screen into a tiny, fold-up 7 "box, why not squeeze one into a keyboard?"(如果可以把主机、键盘、屏幕都挤进一个7英寸的盒子里,为什么不能挤进一个键盘里呢?)
I recall my first taste of booze was as a teenager at a family Christmas season dinner when I was offered a "7 and 7", a cocktail which was a mix of 7-up and bourbon.(我记得第一次碰酒是在少年时参加一个家庭圣诞晚宴,有人给了我一杯“7加7”鸡尾酒,就是七喜加波本酒。)
Nokia shares were up more than 7% at lunchtime.(诺基亚股票在中午涨幅超过7%。)
Soda Customer: Hi, can I get a medium 7-up?(顾客:我要一个中杯的七喜。)
The default rate is now 7%, up from 1.5% a year ago, and the rating agency predicts that it will reach 14.6% by the fourth quarter.(违约率从一年前的1.5%上升到现在的7%,该评级机构预测到第四季度可能会上升到14.6%。)
I get up at 7 o'clock.(我7点起床。)
Here's a, actually here it did take 25 years, but they did, they did eventually step on before we started drinking 7-Up.(这个过程,这个过程真的花了二十五年的时间,但是他们做到了,他们在我们喝七喜之前制止了加锂的行为。)
However, currency in circulation is up only 7% in that same time period.(然而,在这同一时期流通货币只是增长7%。)
This pair of curtains will fit a rail up to 7 ft 6 in wide.(这副窗帘适合安装在宽度为7英尺6英寸的横杆上。)
To see how this works, consider Listing 7, which sets up a configuration file containing a collection of values.(为说明其原理,清单7创建了一个包含一组值的配置文件。)
7-UP是什么意思 7-UP在线翻译 7-UP什么意思 7-UP的意思 7-UP的翻译 7-UP的解释 7-UP的发音 7-UP的同义词