Tomorrow we are going to Disneyland.(明天我们要去迪斯尼乐园。)
One ride from its 2013 hit movie Frozen will surely be coming soon, perhaps at the new Shanghai Disneyland.(2013年的大热电影《冰雪奇缘》中的过山车肯定很快就会搭建起来,可能就在新的上海迪士尼乐园。)
I enjoyed myself at Disneyland.(我在迪斯尼乐园玩得很高兴。)
I will visit Disneyland and Ocean Park.(我将参观迪士尼乐园和海洋公园。)
I'm flying to Disneyland tomorrow.(明天我要飞往迪斯尼乐园。)
The theme park you are probably most familiar with is Disneyland.(你最熟悉的主题公园很可能就是迪士尼乐园吧。)
Her last wish was Disneyland.(她最后的愿望是去迪斯尼乐园。)
Disneyland is your paradise.(迪斯尼乐园是你们的乐土。)
Disneyland is a very beautiful place.(迪士尼乐园是一个非常美丽的地方。)
The family enjoyed themselves at Disneyland.(全家人在迪斯尼游乐场玩得很开心。)
Disneyland是什么意思 Disneyland在线翻译 Disneyland什么意思 Disneyland的意思 Disneyland的翻译 Disneyland的解释 Disneyland的发音 Disneyland的同义词