英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:17:14


英 [ˈhəubɑ:t]

美 [ˈhoˌbɑrt, -bət]




  • 网络解释

1. 荷伯特:海外旅客航站码头(Overseas Passenger Terminal)位于著名的岩石区(The Rock),与悉尼的两大地标 - -...这次的钻石公主号游轮航程共12晚,12月12日从悉尼(Sydney)启航,经过澳大利亚的墨尔本(Melbourne),荷伯特(Hobart),横渡塔斯曼海(T

2. 霍伯特:塔斯马尼亚大学位於澳洲南部的岛州-塔斯马尼亚. 学校有两个主校区,分别位於霍伯特(Hobart)及朗塞斯顿(Launceston),校园距市中心仅几公里,环境优美,大多数学生均住在步行可到校内的区域.

3. 霍伯特 德国, 心中的光亭:Hiram 海勒 希伯来 身份地位高尚的;尊贵的. | Hobart 霍伯特 德国 心中的光亭. | Hogan 霍根 爱尔兰 永远年轻的.

  • 临近词

We are so lucky in Hobart , we live in a very beautiful, peaceful and quiet place and that allows people to contemplate and think carefully of their role in the world and of the world around them.(我们很幸运能在皞峇灯,我们住在一个很美丽、平安和安静的地方,这可以让人民对他们在世界上的角色以及四周围的世界进行认真得沉思和思考。)
The robbers retreated, leaving their leader — Crawford — and two or three others, who had been wounded, to be captured by Mr. Taylor and sent to Hobart Town, where they were executed.(抢匪被打回去了,山匪的头目克劳福德和其他两三个同伴受伤没来得及跑掉,被泰勒活捉后送到霍巴特镇,在那里被处决。)
Hobart Town, by degrees, grew to be a fine city, with handsome buildings and well kept streets.(霍巴特镇在一定程度上已经演变为一个惬意的城市,街道整齐,建筑物大方气派;)
Now, as Hobart Town was the nearest port, the whalers found that it saved time to go thither with their oil, and to buy their provisions and refit their ships there;(霍巴特镇是最近的港口,捕鲸者无论是运鲸油上岸,还是在这里购买补给品,以及整修捕鲸船,都可以节省时间。)
There, at the very foot of the lofty Mount Wellington, Hobart Town began to grow in its new situation.(这里正处于高耸的威灵顿山脚下,一个新的霍巴特镇开始在这里成长。)
MARTINA HINGIS: She hasn't played in a while. She won a few matches at Hobart. She got some matches in. I don't know, who is she playing first round?I only look at my part.(她也很久没打了,她在霍巴特也赢了几场,我不知道她在澳网首轮对手是谁,我只关心我的那区。)
The historic gate to colonial Hobart leads to the museum courtyard, which covers two recently discovered vaults.(具有荷伯特殖民地历史的通道口,引领进入博物馆天井,最近发现两个地窖。)
One of the most rigorous sailing competitions in the world , the 54th sydney to hobart yacht race turned into one of the worst sporting disasters in history.(第五十四届雪梨荷巴特游艇竞赛,发生了运动史上有史以来最严重的悲剧之一。)
Dear Mrs. Hobart, I am so sorry not to be able to accept your kind invitation to luncheon on the fourteenth.(示例回绝邀请信我非常抱歉无法接受您14日午餐会的盛情邀请。)
Which accords with data from the Australian Antarctic Division in Hobart.(这与澳大利亚在霍巴特的南极部得出的数据相符。)
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