英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-24 14:30:49



英 [ˈhɒliwʊd]

美 [ˈhɑ:liwʊd]


  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

1. (美国的)好莱坞电影业
You use Hollywood to refer to the American film industry that is based in Hollywood, California.

e.g. ...a major Hollywood studio.
e.g. ...Hollywood film stars.

1. 好来坞:他原来是一个投资分析师,那时他注意到在许多音像租售店和影剧院特许使用的场地中出售的各种各样的小吃零食中缺乏饼干,他开始寻找把饼干与好来坞(Hollywood)联系起来的办法.

  • 经典引文

  • There was a vast editor's desk, marvellously equipped, like a desk out of Hollywood.

    出自:H. G. Wells
The film has a Hollywood happy ending.(这部电影具有好莱坞式的美满结局。)
He is a master at name-dropping and meaningless Hollywood doubletalk.(他善于靠名人名字来抬高自己的身价,并爱讲一些毫无意义的好莱坞式模棱两可的话。)
Away from Hollywood, he relies on his family and friends to keep him grounded.(离开好莱坞之后,他靠家人和朋友使自己保持平衡心态。)
He spent a large part of his career in Hollywood.(他职业生涯中的大部分时间是在好莱坞度过的。)
She is one of the Hollywood immortals.(她是一位千古流芳的好莱坞名人。)
Downtime in Hollywood can cost a lot of money.(好莱坞的工间休息会耗费不少钱。)
She went to Hollywood in search of fame and fortune.(她为追逐名利去了好莱坞。)
He accompanied the volatile actress to Hollywood the following year.(他次年陪那个情绪反复无常的女演员去了好莱坞。)
The film is an indictment of Hollywood.(这部电影是对好莱坞的一种谴责。)
The director puts a Hollywood gloss on the civil war.(导演对南北战争作了一番好莱坞式的精彩阐述。)
Hollywood是什么意思 Hollywood在线翻译 Hollywood什么意思 Hollywood的意思 Hollywood的翻译 Hollywood的解释 Hollywood的发音 Hollywood的同义词