英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:43:15


英 [ˌɪndəˈni:ʒən, -ʃən]

美 [ˌɪndəˈniʒən, -ʃən]




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1. 印度尼西亚(人)的;印度尼西亚文化的
Indonesian means belonging or relating to Indonesia, or to its people or culture.

2. 印度尼西亚人
An Indonesian is an Indonesian citizen, or a person of Indonesian origin.

3. 印度尼西亚语
Indonesian is the national language of Indonesia.

1. 印尼人:人种:超过95%的荷兰人是日耳曼人和高加塞尔特人(Gallo-Celtic)的后裔,其它为印尼人(Indonesian)、苏利南莫人(Surinamese)和摩洛哥人(Moroccan)等. 荷兰大部分是平地和潮湿的沼泽地,所以荷兰人习惯把任何有点高度的东西称作是山.

2. 印度尼西亚语:冰岛语 Icelandic | 印度尼西亚语 Indonesian | 意大利语 Italian

3. 印度尼西亚文:Indium Tin Oxide Conductive Glass ITO导电玻璃 | Indonesian 印度尼西亚文 | Inductive Coupling 电感式耦合

I want to thank the Indonesian Council on World Affairs for its kindness in arranging this event.(感谢印尼世界事务委员会为我精心安排了今天的活动。)
Shops are filled again with Indonesian imports.(商店里重新摆满了从印尼进口的产品。)
Indonesian officials have started beefing that their country needs to be self-sufficient.(印尼的官员开始推崇养牛,说他们国家应该自给自足。)
"They know they're Indonesian," Ms. Sugiarto, 34, said. "they love Indonesia."(“孩子们知道自己是印尼人,”34岁的苏家托女士说,“他们爱印尼。”)
On February 22nd Indonesian observers were allowed to monitor a ceasefire.(在2月22日,印尼的观察家们被批准去监督挺火情况。)
Now Indonesian Banks are coining it.(但现在,印尼的银行开始大发其财了。)
"He greeted me with 'apa kabar, Bapak Presiden' (How are you Mr. President) in fluent Indonesian," Yudhoyono was quoted as saying by the Koran Tempo daily.(《可兰日报》援引苏西洛的话说:“他用流利的印尼语问候我'你好吗,总统先生'(apakabar,BapakPresiden)。”)
Many children attending those schools end up speaking Indonesian poorly, experts said.(“许多小孩子进到这些学校,最后就不怎么会说印尼话。”专家们说。)
Indonesian children pack into a cybercafe in Jakarta, Indonesia.(在印度尼西亚首都雅加达的一家网吧里挤满了孩童。)
The Indonesian Government has given official approval for an Australian consulate in Dili.(印度尼西亚政府正式批准在帝力设立澳大利亚领事馆。)
Indonesian是什么意思 Indonesian在线翻译 Indonesian什么意思 Indonesian的意思 Indonesian的翻译 Indonesian的解释 Indonesian的发音 Indonesian的同义词