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更新时间:2025-02-24 15:35:27
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1. Lego的近义词

1. 乐高拼装玩具:大约在一年以前,海丁•勒维尔(Heidi Le Vell)花 1,000 美元买了满满 24 箱乐高拼装玩具(Lego). 在以后的几个月里,她把这些塑料块组装成各种模型,定期拿到拍卖网站 eBay 上出售,总共卖了 15,000 美元. 复制本文链接(URL)发送给朋友:

2. 丹麦乐高:丹麦乐高(LEGO)玩具,是世界十大名品牌玩具、世界排名第一的拼装玩具,历时70年来,产品行销140多个国家. 由始至终,乐高以提供富有教育意义的玩具给孩子为目标,希望孩子能透过游戏中学习,启发智能和创意,为未来作好准备.

3. 樂高積木:乐高积木无线鼠标 乐高积木(Lego)设计精美且富变化性,色彩多变,不仅孩子们喜爱,很多成年人也深深被其吸引. 这也许就是厂家推出这款乐

Once they arrive at the location, each section is lifted by crane directly to the top of the building, which is assembled like toy Lego bricks.(当他们到达目的地时,每一节都被起重机直接吊到楼顶,就像玩具乐高积木一样被组装起来。)
There are several suppliers who make components for the Lego platform.(有若干个提供者为Lego开发平台制作组件。)
Any Lego robot you build will contain the brick.(您所建造的任何一个Lego机器人都将包括这个砖块。)
Lego is the most popular toy in the world and I think every one of us played with these famous plastic bricks.(乐高积木是世界上最受欢迎的玩具,我想我们每个人都玩过这些著名的塑料积木。)
The search index sat on a small number of disk drives enclosed within Lego-like blocks.(那时候搜索索引就运行在象乐高玩具一样的方块围住的磁盘驱动器里面。)
LEGO Minifig alarm clocks shaped like Star Wars characters.(乐高按照星球大战人物造型制作的人仔闹钟。)
Each Lego brick must have that perfect grasp, strong enough to hold onto another brick but easy enough for a child to pull apart.(每一块乐高积木都必须有完美的抓力,既要足够牢固可以抓牢另一块积木,又要足够容易,让孩子们可以把它拉开。)
Decoration is the most expensive part of the Lego process.(乐高零件的装饰是整个零件生产过程的最昂贵的部分。)
He believes there is nothing he can't create out of LEGO.(他认为,用乐高没有他创制不出的东西。)
Even in the office, it seems, Lego has a part to play.(看来即使是在办公室里,乐高玩具也有可供玩乐的一席之地。)
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