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形容词: Malawian

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1. Malawi的翻译

1. 马拉维:中国-马拉维(Malawi)国际航空小包裹资费查询马拉维(Malawi)国际航空小包裹邮寄和挂号服务 三态 会在2-5天将国际邮寄小包裹交由马拉维(Malawi) 邮局(Malawi Postal Service)投递和其海关清关处处理,邮寄时间通常总共为7-14个工作日,由 马拉维(Malawi) 邮局投递到客户,

2. 马拉维共和国:该试剂盒先后在马拉维共和国(Malawi)艾滋病诊断试剂评估、乌干达病毒研究中心艾滋病参比及质保实验室评估中取得了优异成绩. 2007年初,公司收到克林顿基金会HIV快速诊断试剂采购的正式订单.

3. 非洲 马拉维:1989年肯博从非洲马拉维(Malawi)抵达多伦多皮尔逊机场,当时名字是Charlos Mathews Gwazah,申请政府赞助的公约难民. 这类难民一般因為种族、宗教、政见或国籍而面对迫害. 难民局文件显示,他在3年內使用3个不同名字申请难民资格.

This programme has also been adapted for HIV treatment in Malawi.(该项目已经加以改造用于马拉维的艾滋病治疗。)
But during a meeting in Malawi they also noted that the economic rebound had improved growth prospects for this year.(但是在马拉维举行的会议上,他们指出,经济反弹已经改善了今年的经济增长前景。)
India wants uranium from Malawi and Niger for nuclear power.(印度希望从马拉维和尼日尔获得到核能原料铀。)
In 1970, Tunisia had lower life expectancy than Congo and Morocco had fewer children in school than Malawi.(在1970年,比起刚果和摩洛哥,突尼斯的预期寿命低,而入学率比马拉维还要少。)
Malawi has rapidly expanded its HIV treatment as part of an "essential health" package.(作为“基本卫生”一揽子计划的一部分,马拉维已迅速推广了其艾滋病毒治疗。)
Mozambique's coal fuels power stations. India wants uranium from Malawi and Niger for nuclear power.(印度还需要来自莫桑比克的煤用于发电站,马拉维和尼日尔的铀用于核电。)
In Malawi two men have gone on trial for gross indecency after holding a "traditional engagement ceremony".(在马拉维,两名男性在举办了一场“传统订婚仪式”后被以败坏风纪为由送交法办。)
Ethiopia and Malawi spend roughly the same amount per person on primary education - with very different outcomes.(埃塞俄比亚和马拉维每年的人均初级教育支出基本相等,而结果却大相径庭。)
Elsewhere, countries like Ethiopia, Benin and Malawi now have more than 70% of their populations living in slums.(其他国家如埃塞俄比亚、贝宁和马拉维目前有70%的人口居住在贫民窟中。)
Bank Studies in Malawi, Tanzania Show progress.(世行在马拉维、坦桑尼亚的研究展示了进展。)
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