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更新时间:2025-03-10 16:51:48



n.马蒂斯(姓氏;亨利 马蒂斯;法国画家、雕刻家和版画家)

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亨利 马蒂斯
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1. Matisse

1. 马蒂斯:彼马谛斯(马蒂斯)(Matisse)、比卡索(毕加索)(Picasso)等新派画家,所描的形状东歪西斜,全不正确,但他们并非不会描写正确的形,他们是经过了正确的阶段,而进于不正确的更深的境地的.

He was not painting like someone else; some alternative Matisse.(他绝不像别人那样作画;有人模仿马蒂斯。)
At times Matisse scraped the surface of his pictures, scratched them or made incisions as if they were clay.(有时马蒂斯对画作的表面又刮又擦、又切又割,就像对待一团泥巴。)
Matisse and his friends having been experiment this kind of technique of painting.(马蒂斯和他的朋友们一直试验着这种画法。)
Like Matisse, Bonnard has been dismissively labelled a decorative artist, a painter of happiness.(他们两人都被鄙称为徒重幸福的光晕,不顾实质内容的艺术家。)
Henri Matisse introduced his new ideas to the art world at the turn of the century.(亨利·马蒂斯在世纪之交的艺术世界,介绍了他的新想法。)
Henri Matisse, Picasso’s rival for supreme artist of the modern period, described him as “a sort of god of painting”.(同处现代艺术巅峰,与毕加索相提并论的亨利.马蒂斯也说:“塞尚于画,如幻如神。”)
The work of Picasso and Matisse will never be worth anything.(毕加索和马蒂斯的作品将会一文不值。)
Its aesthetics have influenced many western artists, including Picasso and Matisse.(她的美同样影响了不少西方艺术家,譬如毕加索和马蒂斯。)
It is Matisse who completed the liberation of color, and made it a strong form of expression that conveys human's feeling.(马蒂斯最后完成了对色彩的解放,使之成为传达感情的强有力表现形式。)
"Express" a phrase to appear Matisse art exhibition which holds in Paris in France in 1901 first up.(“表现”一词首先出现在1901年在法国巴黎举办的马蒂斯画展上。)
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