英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:08:45
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1. 莫内:成功地融合陰暗處的灰白、赭黃到綠、天藍不同調性的色彩,無疑的使這 30分鐘的動畫成為一部令人印象深刻的抒情影片. [註一]:莫內(Monet)和狄加斯(Degas)都是19世紀印象派的大師,前者油畫作品著名的有「日出.印象」,後者的粉彩名作有「芭蕾舞者」.

2. Monet

2. 莫内的画:That is true, but I'm not used to working in such horrible conditions.|对 但今天只好将就了 | Monet!|莫内的画 | -You know his work? -Of course.|-你知道他的作品? -当然

3. 胸针四个:origin 洗面奶一个 | monet 胸针四个 | folli follie 戒指两个(其中一个已经不见了: (, 另外之前买的手表, 表带断了, 气死了 )

4. monet:mobile network; 移动网

5. monet:multiwavelength optical network; 多重波长光纤网

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1. The oil on canvas painting'Woman Painting'by Claude Monet is seen in an undated publicity image from Wildenstein and Company.

2. The exhibition Corot to Monet brought by Sotheby's Hong Kong offers 20 pieces of artwork featuring leading Realist painters and later the great Impressionist generation.

3. The two Impressionist paintings by Vincent van Gogh and Claude Monet were found in an abandoned car parked at a psychiatric clinic on Monday afternoon.

4. The exhibition Corot to Monet brought by Sotheby's Hong Kong offers 20 artworks by leading Realistic painters and masters of the Impressionist generation.

5. One room is also dedicated to the work of Japanese artists who have been influenced by Monet.

6. It is like writing a book on Monet and only using a photograph of a water lily to illustrate it.

7. Corot to Monet is also one of the two opening exhibitions of Sotheby's newly constructed gallery space in Hong Kong.

1. Some days later, different people have different opinions, some people said what they lack is monet, other thought that was chance, sitll other guessed that was power、kindness and ruputation and so on.

2. Monet的翻译

2. Approx 7 x 11 on Cherub Pink or Monet Blue Linens, it features clay...
约7× 11对与Cherub粉红色或蓝色的被单,莫奈,它的特点粘土。。。

3. Furthermore, some of the major figures did not participate in it:Monet, Sisey and Renoir were notable for their absence.


4. On 30 June 1878, an official feast was held in Paris to honour the Republic (the event was immortalised in a painting by Claude Monet). On the 14th of July 1879, another feast took place, this time only semi-official - the events of the day included a military review in Longchamp, a reception in the Chamber of Deputies and a Republican Feast.

5. Didn't know you had a Monet.

6. You are in the painting of Monet, beautiful, b

7. I consider this to be a modern application of Monet's series of paintings.

8. I will wait a monet..

9. Monet的反义词

9. He's the guy who put a Monet in his bathroom.

10. This style of painting is typical of Monet.

11. But I did get to see the famous van Gogh's and the Monet's.

12. In Paris, van Gogh studied with Cormon, inevitably met Pissarro, Monet, and Gauguin, and began to lighten his very dark palette and to paint in the short brushstrokes of the Impressionists.

13. Monet

13. Before the battle, General Monet of the royalist forces told the revolutionary leader Antonio Sucre that some of his soldiers had relatives in the revolutionary army, and would like to meet with them before fighting.

14. Looking a lot like one of his paintings, this water-lily pond in Giverny, France, is one of the many legacies left by French Impressionist painter Claude Monet.

15. Monet的近义词

15. Cast:, Danny Dyer as Bing, 50 Cent as Thigo, Tamer Hassan as Nick, Monet Mazur as Frankie, Blake Ritson as Jarvis, Brenda Blethyn as Mother, Scot Williams as..

16. The dots on Madame Boudin's dress are actually grains of sand that blew onto the canvas as Monet painted.

17. Painted on Monet's honeymoon, this canvas depicts his wife and Madame Boudin at Trouville, on the Normandy coast.

18. To make them, he had the famous mill pixelate photographs of gardens; the impressionistic results called to mind Monet at Giverny.

19. Monet是什么意思

19. There are 55 major works up for grabs but all the attention is on this one- Claude Monet's Jeune File Dan Le Jardin painted in 1880. It's expected to fetch some $30 million.

20. Monet

20. A twentieth-century reinterpretation of Turner's Rain, Steam and Speed or Monet's Gare St.-Lazare series, it plunges the spectator into a raucous, near-hysterical turmoil of machines and people.

The dots on Madame Boudin's dress are actually grains of sand that blew onto the canvas as Monet painted.(在布丹夫人的衣服的点实际上是沙粒的莫奈到作为画布画爆炸。)
Once a very rich man and his son collected valuable paintings by famous artists like Picasso, Van Gogh and Monet.(从前有一个非常富有的人和他儿子收集了许多著名画家的名画,如毕加索、梵高和莫奈。)
Monet described his attempts to observe and capture the colors in nature thus: “I'm chasing the merest sliver of color.(莫奈如此描述自己观察和捕捉大自然中的色彩的尝试:“我追逐最最细微的色彩。)
Jan Huntley (Claude Monet Foundation) : The public expect to see a very famous garden in perfect condition.(简·亨特利(莫奈基金会):公众希望见到一个毫无瑕疵的著名花园。)
This style of painting is typical of Monet.(这种绘画风格是莫奈的典型。)
In direct criticism of Monet, he said.(他批评莫奈时说过。)
The collection of Western art includes paintings by such famous artists as Monet, Van Gogh, Picasso and Matisse.(西方艺术的收藏品包括莫奈,梵高,毕加索,和马蒂斯这些著名艺术家的作品。)
Monet was obsessed with his garden and painted it continuously for 40 years until his death in 1926.(莫奈对这个花园很着迷,直至1926年逝世,他连续花了40年在这里写生作画。)
When I was in Chicago in 1990 a friend got me a ticket for the hottest show in town: the Monet Exhibition at the Art Institute.(1990年我在芝加哥的时候,一个朋友给我弄到了一张城里最抢手的展览门票:艺术学院的莫奈画展。)
Priceless works by Picasso, Van Gogh, Monet and many others adorned the walls of the family estate.(毕加索、凡·高、莫奈以及其他许多艺术家的无价珍品,挂满了他们家的墙壁。)
Monet是什么意思 Monet在线翻译 Monet什么意思 Monet的意思 Monet的翻译 Monet的解释 Monet的发音 Monet的同义词