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更新时间:2025-03-10 17:29:51
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1. Norway是什么意思

1. 诺威:泗阳欧洲工业园是西班牙诺威(Norway)家私与香港泛林国际有限公司联合斥巨资投资开发的大型工业园区. 泗阳欧洲工业园园首期占地600亩,固定资产投资总规模6000万美元. 园区首期工程将建成以欧洲工业企业为投资主体的家具制造、纺织服装、清洁能源等产业集群园区,


2. 挪威-固话:31、New Zealand 新西兰-固话 64 | 32、Norway 挪威-固话 47 | 33、Panama 巴拿马-固话 507

3. 挪威 奥斯路 欧洲:Northern Mariana Islands 北马里亚纳群岛 塞班岛 大洋洲 MP | Norway 挪威 奥斯路 欧洲 NO | Oman 阿曼 马斯喀特 亚洲 OM

She hails from Norway, not Nevada.(她来自挪威,不是内华达州。)
You can buy African food in Norway, or watch a French movie in China.(你可以在挪威买到非洲食品,或者在中国看一场法国电影。)
A significant part of this oil and gas comes from under the North Sea between Great Britain and Norway.(这些石油和天然气的很大一部分来自英国和挪威之间的北海海底。)
His name was Hansen, a common name in Norway.(他叫汉森,一个在挪威很常见的名字。)
Recent history in Norway, however, suggests that the right women can make strong directors.(然而,挪威最近的历史显示,合适的女性可以成为强有力的董事。)
Darren Taylor, aka Professor Splash, jumped from a platform into a paddling pool in front of a mesmerized crowd in Trondheim, Norway.(达伦·泰勒,绰号Splash教授,在挪威的特隆赫姆一群如痴如醉的观众面前,从一个跳台跳进了一个戏水池。)
Norway had held Holland to a scoreless draw in Rotterdam.(挪威队在鹿特丹以零比零与荷兰队打成平手。)
Masses of people love to skate in Japan, Norway or Canada.(许多人喜欢在日本、挪威或加拿大滑冰。)
He went up from North Denmark to a deserted island of the coast of Norway and stayed there for about three weeks.(他从北丹麦到挪威海岸的一个荒岛上,在那里住了大约三个星期。)
A bridge on the Atlantic Road in Norway.(绝路桥坐落于挪威的大西洋之路。)
Norway是什么意思 Norway在线翻译 Norway什么意思 Norway的意思 Norway的翻译 Norway的解释 Norway的发音 Norway的同义词