That Sunday, people shouted angrily in the streets. 'Your Majesty,' said the Scots lords. 'Scotland is a Protestant country.(那个星期天,人们在大街上愤怒地叫喊。“陛下,”那些苏格兰贵族们说道。)
The Scots firm has confirmed it is to make only 18 of the suits. Customers have a choice of just three colours--black, midnight and natural.(苏格兰的制衣厂现已织成的面料只够制作18件西服,可供顾客选择的颜色仅有黑色、深蓝和原色三种颜色。)
He spoke with a Scots accent.(他说话带苏格兰口音。)
He is sending us so many of his best countrymen, and they are not all Scots.(他将大批精英国民送到我们这儿来,更妙的是(送来的)不单只是苏格兰人。)
He has red, freckled skin which accompanied red hair; he was a man of forty, thin, with a pinched face, precise and rather pedantic; and he spoke with a Scots accent in a very low, quiet voice.(他有红色的,带有雀斑的皮肤和红色的头发;他四十岁,身材瘦削,有一张消瘦的脸,不苟言笑、有点迂腐;而且他说话带着苏格兰口音,声音很低、很安静。)
The prince allied himself with the Scots.(王子与苏格兰人结盟。)
He should also view current opinion polls as unreliable indicators of how Scots might eventually vote.(他也不应认为当前民调就是苏格兰人最终投票的可靠指标。)
Man, the Scots have this marriage thing figured out.(人,苏格兰人把结婚这件事琢磨透了。)
From today, James is the new King of Scots.(从今天起,詹姆斯就是苏格兰的国王了。)
The Scots have their own newspapers.((苏格兰却是有着自己的报纸的)。)
Scots是什么意思 Scots在线翻译 Scots什么意思 Scots的意思 Scots的翻译 Scots的解释 Scots的发音 Scots的同义词