英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:25:46


英 [ˈθi:siəs,ˈθisju:s]

美 [ˈθisiəs, -ˌsjus]

n.Attica 的英雄

形容词: Thesean

  • 网络解释


1. 忒休斯:有一个关于忒休斯(Theseus)古老的传说(忒休斯后来成为雅典第一位国王),叙述忒休斯被带到位于希腊东南方最大的岛屿克里特岛(Crete)上的米诺斯(Minos)宫殿去,米诺斯是克里特帝国的统治者,他在米诺斯迷宫里杀死了人身牛头(Minotaur)的半人半兽怪物.

2. 赛苏斯:撒拉米斯, Salams l05 | 赛苏斯, Theseus 185 | 苏利阿, Thyrea 21

An important Greek festival of pallas athene the panathenaea was dated from the days of king Theseus.(一个庆祝雅典娜女神的希腊重要节日,泛雅典娜节,要追溯到特修斯国王时期。)
After all, she had betrayed those closest to her to save Theseus.(毕竟,为了救忒修斯,她不惜众叛亲离。)
In the battle that followed, the queen was wounded by a chance arrow and died, leaving Theseus a sad widower.(在接着的战斗中,王后被一只乱箭射中,不幸丧命,留下特修斯一人独自悲伤。)
The question is whether this end product is still the same Ship of Theseus, or something completely new and different.(问题是,最终产生的这艘船还是原来的忒修斯之船,还是一艘完全不同的新船?)
Both Theseus and Heracles were enraged at their wild behaviour.(特修斯和海格拉斯对他们的野蛮行径怒不可遏。)
Both Theseus and Pirithous were full of the ambition of marrying a lady of holy birth.(特修斯和皮瑞·塞斯都雄心勃勃想娶一位出身圣洁的淑女。)
Twenty across asked: "Lover of Theseus." The answer was Ariadne, whose namesake is a friend of Jennie's.(第20行的问题是:“忒修斯的情人”,答案则是阿里阿德涅,恰好与珍妮的一位朋友同名。)
When he emerged triumphant from the labyrinth, Theseus claimed Ariadne for his own.(当忒修斯成功地重新出现在迷宫之外时,他声称要娶阿里阿德涅为妻。)
Theseus, the son of King Aegeus, could not stand this situation, and decided to go as the seventh boy and kill the Minotaur.(埃勾斯国王的儿子忒修斯无法忍受这种情况,决定作为第七个男孩去杀死弥诺陶洛斯。)
Theseus, too, says that Hippolytus's crime is unmentionable , but then he announces it anyway.(特修斯也说希波理特斯的罪刑是无法明说的,但他还是开口说出。)
Theseus是什么意思 Theseus在线翻译 Theseus什么意思 Theseus的意思 Theseus的翻译 Theseus的解释 Theseus的发音 Theseus的同义词