英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-12-30 21:51:40
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1. 藏语:藏缅语族的大语种有藏语(Tibetan)、缅甸语(Burmese小语种有中国南部的彝语(Yi)、僳僳语(Lisu)、拉祜语(Lahu),缅甸的克伦语(Karen),不丹的宗卡语(Jonkha),尼泊尔的内瓦里语(Newari)等等.

2. 藏文:Sanskrit)本,两个藏文(Tibetan)本,一个粟特支(Sodyian)本 一个于阗(Khotanese)文本和两个蒙古文(Kashimir)的吉尔吉特(Gilgit)附近一座塔里发现的. [

3. 藏族:藏袍是藏族(Tibetan)的主要服装款式,种类很多,从衣服质地上可分锦缎、皮面、氆氇、素布等、藏袍花纹装饰很讲究,过去僧官不同品级,严格区分纹饰. 藏袍较长,一般都比身高还长,穿时要把下部上提,下摆离脚面有三、四十公分高、扎上腰带.

4. 西藏人:他们还在其他地方把圣经单行本和福音单张给阿拉伯人(Arabic)、西藏人(Tibetan)、及Noghai(中文名作者不详). 这些单行本和单张都是由英国国外圣经公会(British and Foreign Bible Society)免费提供的.

He attributes his success to augmenting his treatments of conventional surgery and radiation therapy, with becoming a vegan at the recommendation of Tibetan doctors.(他将他的成功归咎于增强对传统手术和放射疗法的治疗,在藏医的建议下成为一个素食主义者。)
The epic has a high academic value, aesthetic value and appreciation value and is an encyclopaedia for the study of ancient Tibetan society winning the title of "Eastern Homer's Epic".(该史诗包含了藏民族文化的全部原始内核,具有很高的学术价值、美学价值和欣赏价值,是研究古代藏族社会的一部百科全书,被誉为“东方的荷马史诗“。)
A magnitude 7.1 earthquake has killed around 300 people in the Tibetan Plateau in southwest China and left more than 8, 000 injured as houses, schools and offices collapsed.(中国西南部的青藏高原上发生里氏7.1级地震,居民房屋,校舍和办公楼到他严重,目前已造成约300人死亡,8000多人受伤。)
The mudslide, which hit Zhouqu County, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, in Gansu on August 8, had killed 1,239 as of 4 pm Saturday, with 505 still missing.(截至14日16时,甘肃甘南藏族自治州舟曲县8日突发的特大山洪泥石流灾害遇难人数上升为1239人,失踪人数为505人。)
The Tibetan Plateau was hammered so fiercely that he area turned red on the IRIS charts - a 7.1 quake followed within five major aftershocks within 12 hours.(青藏高原禁受了猛烈的打击,在IRIS的图标上该地域都变成红色了-----在一个7.1级的地震后12小时以内,就有五个大的余震。)
They were mainly taught English and Tibetan.(他们主要学习英文和藏文。)
Today, the Palace, with its glorious charm and position as a sacred site of Tibetan Buddhism, has become a universally acknowledged symbol of the Tibetan ethnic group.(今天,布达拉宫以其辉煌的雄姿和藏传佛教圣地的地位,成为世所公认的藏民族象征。)
Ten hours after the car bumps, Overnight Wulingyuan, the next morning toward the 1212.8 meters above sea level, with "Xiangxi Tibetan show" reputation of Baofeng Mountain.(十个小时的汽车颠簸之后,夜宿武陵源,第二天一早就扑向了海拔1212.8米、具有“湘西藏秀”之誉的宝峰山。)
Wang says he has other Tibetan fossils of an ancient blue sheep - technically a goat - that also eventually became a citizen of the Ice Age.(王晓明还表示他在青藏高原收集到了古蓝绵羊的化石,古蓝绵羊也是存在于冰河时期的动物之一。从理论上来讲,古蓝绵羊是一种山羊。)
"At least in the case of the woolly rhino, it actually adapted itself in the cold environment in the Tibetan Plateau before the Ice Age has even started," Wang says.(王晓明说:“至少长毛犀的例子就表明在冰河时期还没有开始的时候,长毛犀已经适应了青藏高原寒冷的环境。”)
Tibetan是什么意思 Tibetan在线翻译 Tibetan什么意思 Tibetan的意思 Tibetan的翻译 Tibetan的解释 Tibetan的发音 Tibetan的同义词