英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:35:10
  • 网络解释

1. (汤加语,位于南太平洋的岛国):curry:咔哩 | Tongan(汤加语,位于南太平洋的岛国) | taboo:禁忌

2. 汤加文字:菲律宾文字Tagalog | 汤加文字Tongan | 土耳其文字Turkisch

3. Tongan什么意思

3. 同安:Taichung 台中 | Tongan 同安 | Waigaoqiao 外高桥

4. Tongan的近义词

4. 檔案:toloo 道路 | tongan 檔案 | tongbut 動物

  • 临近词

The distance between these two economy hotel and branch of the Tongan that be like the home also is controlled in kilometre.(这两家经济型酒店和如家同安分店之间的距离也就在千米左右。)
According to red tide monitoring data from Tongan Bay, we carried out the Quadratic Knapsack model optimization for monitoring stations.(根据同安湾赤潮监测资料,对监测站位进行二次背包模型优化。)
The busy economy that encircles the ground to Tongan hotel is more than be like the home, be in early last year, have additional chess of two economy hotel first, in Tongan build " bridgehead " .(忙着到同安圈地的经济型酒店不止如家,早在去年,就有另两家经济型酒店棋先一着,在同安修筑了“桥头堡”。)
A study on epidemiology and the cause of primary liver cancer (PLC) was undertaken in Tongan County since 1990.(作者从1990年开始,对同安县肝癌高发现场的肝癌病因进行了流行病学研究。)
He is now under the protection of the homburg-wearing Tongan monarch, King George Tupou v, a distant relative of Mr Mara's father.(他现在处于汤加国王乔治·图普五世(GeorgeTupouV)的保护之下。图普五世是马拉父亲的一个远亲,穿戴奢侈。)
A beautiful woman carrying the Tongan flag is probably not booked on the "Today" show, and certainly not getting rubbed by the hosts.(一位举着汤加国旗的美丽女子很可能上不了《今日秀》,而且主持人肯定不会给她身上抹油。)
The relationship between oscillatoriales pollution in water and hepatocarcinoma prevalence in Tongan area needed further research.(同安区水环境颤藻毒素污染与肝癌高发的关系值得进一步探讨。)
Lisa: Some of those are native Hawaiians. Some are Japanese, Filipino, Chinese, Fijian, Tongan. Twenty-four percent is white, but really, everyone's just all mixed up here.(莉莎:他们有些是夏威夷原住民。有些是日本人、菲律宾人、中国人、斐济人、东加人。百分之二十四是白人,但事实上,这里每个人都是混血儿。)
Tongan city computer to the city direction, Is a very small shop!(同安城往电脑城方向走,是一家很小的店!)
The structural features in Tongan Fault-blocks are different from the others in Anyang Mining Area.(铜安断块以其特有的构造发育特征与安阳矿区其它各断块构造发育相区别。)
Tongan是什么意思 Tongan在线翻译 Tongan什么意思 Tongan的意思 Tongan的翻译 Tongan的解释 Tongan的发音 Tongan的同义词