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更新时间:2025-03-10 21:45:57



英 [ˈtrinidæd,ˌtri:ni:ˈðɑ:ð]

美 [ˈtrɪnɪˌdæd]


形容词: Trinidadian

  • 网络解释

1. 特立尼达和多巴哥:61岁,双子座,出生于特立尼达和多巴哥(Trinidad),在英国长大,毕业于瑞士纳沙泰尔大学经济系,1968-1974年,任职于欧米茄市场/产品部,1974-1987年担任爱彼表(AudemarsPiguet)营业总监,1987-1997年,担任爱彼表总裁,


2. 特立尼达岛:今天,朗姆酒的主要生产地是:古巴(Cuba),牙买加(Jamaica)、海地、波多黎各、多米尼加共和国(Republica Dominicana),小安的列斯群岛的(马提尼克岛(Martinique)、瓜德罗普岛(Guadeloupe)、特立尼达岛(Trinidad),巴巴多斯岛(Barbados),

She was born in Trinidad in 1916.(戴爱莲先生1916年出生在特多。)
Just this quarter, BP received leases to drill in new deepwater blocks off the coast of Trinidad and Tobago.(就在本财季,BP获得了在特立尼达和多巴哥(拉丁美洲岛国——译注)附近深海区域进行钻井勘探的租约。)
He is not going to Trinidad with a plan for the hemisphere.(他将不会携带一个西半球计划出席峰会。)
Mr Obama was polite to Mr Chavez in Trinidad.(在特立尼达,奥巴马对查韦斯以礼相待。)
The paintings were by Peter Doig, an Edinburgh-born artist now living in Trinidad.(这些画是出自皮特•多依格——出生于爱丁堡的艺术家,现居住于特立尼达岛。)
But Walter Raleigh, then an old man, stayed behind at a base camp on the island of Trinidad.(而沃尔特·雷利当时年事已高,只得待在特立尼达岛的营地中。)
The Boeing 737 was arriving from Port of Spain, Trinidad, Caribbean Airlines said in a statement.(加勒比航空公司说,这架播音737飞机当时是从西班牙港口特立尼达出发的。)
In the island of Trinidad the oil is in the form of asphalt, a substance used for making roads.(在特立尼达岛,石油以沥青—即用作铺路的物质—形式存在。)
Spain's Foreign Affairs Minister Trinidad Jimenez said Monday that Ireland's decision to accept a bailout is good news.(西班牙外交大臣特利尼达·吉米内兹星期一说,爱尔兰接受救助的决定是好消息。)
And in Trinidad and Tobago, the International Waterfront Towers take the blue ribbon at 394 feet.(在特里尼达和多巴哥国际海滨大厦的蓝丝带有三百九十四英尺。)
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