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更新时间:2025-03-03 20:05:59


abbr.世界野生动物基金(=World Wildlife Fund)

abbr.世界摔跤联合会(=World Wrestling Federation)

  • 网络解释

1. 世界野生动物基金会:国际涉及鹤类保护的的组织1) 国际鸟类保护协会2) 世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)3) 世界野生动物基金会(WWF)4) 湿地国际5) 鸟类生活国际6) 国际鹤类基金会(ICF)

2. WWF的近义词

2. 世界大自然基金:3.世界大自然基金(WWF) 旨在通过保存生物多样性、确保自然资源的可持续利用和促进减少资源和能源的污染和浪费使用来养护自然和生态过程. 4.世界保护联盟 世界自然保护联盟(IUCN),是一个国际组织,专职在世界的自然环境保护.

3. wwf:world wide fund; 世界自然基金会


4. wwf:windows workflow foundation; 微软工作流引擎

5. wwf:world wildlife fund; 世界野生动物基金会

6. wwf:world wrestling federation; 世界摔角联盟

  • 单语例句

  • 双语例句

1. The electrification of automotive transport is adaptable to any country or region, the WWF report says.

2. The event was among activities the WWF held before the start of the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit.

3. The WWF will also help conduct policy research to promote greener construction and set up demonstration projects in Shanghai.

4. International conservation group WWF called on the New Zealand government to set a legally binding commitment and policies to cut emissions.

5. To that end, the WWF has proposed forming nine key areas where tiger settlement units can be built.

6. It was the first time the species was found in Thailand in two decades, the WWF said.

7. Environmental groups such as WWF have said the plan flies in the face of the bloc's attempts to save energy.

8. WWF officials say they plan to relocate several of the rhinos in the park to another part of Indonesia in the hope that they breed.

9. The WWF calculations included carbon emissions from the production of imported goods and services and showed New Zealanders'use of natural resources was excessive.

10. The WWF environmental organisation handed out walnuts to delegates as they arrived at the conference centre and urged them to " crack the climate nut ".


1. Construction, mining, and other factors influence the river basin. WWF provided 30 small grants for further research

2. WWF的近义词

2. In 1998 scientists discovered this orange-spotted snakehead, which is native to the streams, swamps, and ponds of the Indian state of Assam, according to an August 2009 WWF report.

3. Gilly Llewellyn, from the conservation organization WWF, says pollution and oil and gas drilling are among many threats that could damage the Coral Sea's ecosystem.
Gilly Llewellyn是WWF保护组织的成员,表示污染和石油开然气的开发成为损害珊瑚海生态的几种危胁之一。

4. But the WWF Earth Hour campaign has to be one of the most misguided and counterproductive actions I have ever seen.

5. According to WWF, pristine forests in the Russian Far East are being illegally logged at an alarming rate to satisfy rising demand in China, South Korea, and Japan.

6. I've just signed that. Please help to protect our Soko Islands by signing the petition letter in WWF.

7. WWF的翻译

7. In early 2005, WWF launched a public campaign for protection of the Vefsna River in Norway, one of Europe's last free-lowing rivers.

8. You can download my free ebook which 400 FAQ questions and answers for WCF, WPF, WWF, Silver light and many more technologies.

9. Cut timber, bulldozers, excavators and clearcuts in the natural forest for road reconstruction are common sights today in one of the last large forests on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, field and remote sensing investigations by WWF Indonesia and other scientific and conservation groups have found.

10. Don Kanak, the chairman of the WWF's Forest Carbon Initiative, REDD is critical to a climate solution and financing is critical to make REDD work.
世界自然基金会的森林碳倡议主席,唐卡纳克说,REDD 是一个非常重要的解决气候问题的方案,筹措资金对 REDD 的实施也很关键。

11. WWF-US has identified 19 places around the world that are top propertied for biodiversity conservation. The Lancang-MeigongRiver is one of those 19 places. It a region rich in wildlife and cultural diversity.

12. By protecting endangered species, creating and preserving protected wildlife areas, and working to prevent pollution, WWF helps further the cause of conserevation around the world.

13. To resolve this conflict, WWF-Malaysia are educating affected farmers on better livestock management and tiger-proofing paddocks.


14. Thismeant that the title could be defended anywhere, at anytime, and led tosome classic moments on WWF TV, including him defending the title in anairport, in a playground, and even in a laundromat.

15. In order to help WWF-Canada fight climate change on behalf of people like you and me, I've decided to climb the 1, 776 steps of the CN Tower.
为了帮助WWF-Canada对抗气候变迁所代表的人就像你和我,我决定去爬1,776 CN塔的步骤。

16. WWF Hong Kong will work in collaboration with the whole supply chain of timber industry, construction sector, government and to generate local demand for certified forest products.

17. Conservation group WWF says that more than 1, 000 species new to science have been recorded in South-East Asia's Greater Mekong region over the past decade. These include 22 snake species, including this green pitviper.

18. The difference was significant (P<0.05) while compare the curative effect on ulcer areas in control group of WFF with that in cured groups, and the effect was the best in the mid-dose group (P<0.01).④ The levels of GAS in serum were higher in cured groups of WFF than those in model group and control group. But the difference was not significant.⑤The level of EGF in WWF groups decreased, mid-dose group had the best effect(P<0.01〕.ConclusionThere is evident therapeutic effect of WWF on PU.
结果①镜下可见维胃方治疗的大鼠胃黏膜造模处溃疡愈合情况较好,其中以中剂量组的效果最好;②模型组与各用药组比较,胃液pH值变化明显(P<0.05);③而在溃疡面积的治疗效果比较中,维胃方各治疗组与对照组相比较有显著意义(P<0.05),其中以维胃方中剂量组值最小,疗效最好〔(0.76±0.30)mm2,P<0.01〕;④维胃方治疗的3组大鼠血清GAS均数都高于模型组和对照组,但其差异并无统计学意义;⑤而经维胃方治疗的大鼠血清EGF水平均有所降低,其中以维胃方中剂量组治疗效果最显著〔(0.252 5±0.549 7 ng/ml,P<0.01〕。

19. G. Hartshorn's WWF-US, pers.
G。Hartshorn ' s (世界自然基金会-美,pers。

20. WWF Scotland are saying that proposals to carry out ship to ship transfers of Russian crude in the Firth of Forth pose a threat to the environment.

The WWF hopes to raise awareness and funds to stop thepoaching.(WWF希望能够增加警惕,还有组织偷猎的基金。)
WWF insists that it is not telling people to stop eating red meat and dairy, rather to reduce the portions eaten per week.(WWF坚持声称他并非不让人们食用肉类奶制品,而是希望人们减少每周的消耗量。)
The event's unexpected popularity in 2007 prompted organizer WWF to take Earth Hour global in 2008.(该活动意想不到的受欢迎程度亦促使该活动的组织者世界自然基金会在2008年展开了全球性的地球一小时活动。)
Last year alone, the WWF says, over 20 tonnes of elephant ivory was seized on ships en route to Asia.(世界自然基金会说,仅去年一年,就有20多吨象牙在运往亚洲的船上被缴获。)
WWF expects hundreds of millions of people around the world to take part.(世界自然基金会预期全球会有几亿人参加这项活动。)
Nonprofit organizations like WWF always have to think about how to reduce expenses, so we can spend more money on saving nature.(像世界自然基金会这样的非赢利组织常常要考虑如何减少开支,这样我们可以在拯救自然方面投入更多的资金。)
It shows the importance of wildlife protection, but I'd like to help as the WWF suggests.(这体现了野生动植物保护的重要性,不过,我还是想按世界野生生物基金会的建议来帮助你们。)
Marine mammal experts and the WWF believe the polar bear population in the region is increasing.(海洋哺乳动物专家和世界自然基金会(WWF)相信,现在该地区的北极熊数目在持续增长。)
Jim Harkness: WWF has worked for almost 25 years in China.(郝克明:世界自然基金会已在中国开展了近25年的工作。)
Critically endangered Amur leopards on video in Russia's far east, caught in 'video trap' footage by the WWF.(在俄罗斯远东地区拍摄的极度濒危物种远东豹,它被世界野生动物基金(WWF)设下的“录像陷阱”捉到了。)
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