英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-09-19 15:24:10
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1. The tongue is then pulled upward at high speed, drawing a column of water behind it.

1. Methods: The sample that pass through handled to be abstracted twice by acetonitrile, evaporate the organic phase to dryness following defecated through the Na2SO4, cleaned-up by norm alhexalle, then analysed by HPLC (C18 column) with a gradient system of methanol-water as a mobile phase.
经处理过的样品用乙腈提取两次,将乙腈过无水硫酸钠层后挥千乙腈,正己烷洗涤净化,经过净化后进行高效液相色谱仪测定(C18柱),本方法以甲醇、水为流动相梯度洗脱,柱温35℃,在波长275 nm处测定。

2. Methods: from prepation of crude drug as start, study the technology of extract and defat with L9 (3~4) orthogonal test. With EtOH extraction and water sed, alkali washing, EtOAC extraction as main methods of eliminate dopant. Finally with alky AlzO3 chromatographic column, rich and gain anticancer active site. The maximum response was achieved at a 40 min extracting time with 10 times volume 90% EtOH added to the sample for the first time and 30 min for the second time. Adding 10 times water will produce precipitation; Place the precipitation into 6 times petroleum benzin to de-fat at 60℃.

3. The axial dispersion model of the reactor was developed and the non-idea behavior of the slurry phase was taken into account. The comparison between the computational values and the real ones presents a good agreement. The results showed that the temperature was lower at the bottom of the column and higher at the top. It caused by the rigid evaporation of the acetic acid and water near the bottom where the

4. Different pressure and water content in the fluid were investigated to see their effects on extraction results; Second, the optimum operating conditions were experimentally determined in the analytical and preparative recycle chromatography for the extraction and preparation of acanthoside-D from Acanthopanax Senticosus. Apart from the above study, high-performance frontal analysis was used for protein binding study of perillyl alcohol enantiomers to human serum albumin, a RP-HPLC method was developed for the separation and purification of recombinant human interleukin-18(IL-18) on C8 column, and a CE method for the separation and determination of the active anthraquinone components, physcion, chrysophanol, aloe-emodin, emodin, and rhein in Chinese herb Polygnum multiflorum Thunb. were developed.

5. Different pressure and water content in the fluid were investigated to see their effects on extraction results; Second, the optimum operating conditions were experimentally determined in the analytical and preparative recycle chromatography for the extraction and preparation ofacanthoside-D from Acanthopanax Senticosus. Apart from the above study, high-performance frontal analysis was used for protein binding study of perillyl alcohol enantiomers to human serum albumin, a RP-HPLC method was developed for the separation and purification of recombinant human interleukin-18(IL-18) on C8 column, and a CE method for the separation and determination of the active anthraquinone components, physcion, chrysophanol, aloe-emodin, emodin, and rhein in Chinese herb Polygnum multiflorum Thunb. were developed.


6. Then not only a series of curve equation to the virtual image link are obtained when the observer changes the position of observation to see along X Line from the direction of point O, but also the area of the image in the water are obtained when the observer observes from different divections near the above of. the column container.


7. The mass transfer process in the reciprocating sieve plate extraction column was studied. Based on the single droplet mass transfer model, the scale-up model of RPEC was established with mathematical statistics. In this model, flux, tray spacing, amplitude and frequency should be kept invariable when H (apparent height of a transfer unit) was calculated. In a RPEC of diameter 100 mm, the experiment was carried out with lincomycin-n-butanol-acid water.


8. Different chromatographic parameters including elution profiles, column temperature were investigated in order to optimize separation conditions of different fatty acid phenacyl ester derivatives. A gradient elution using methanol/acetonitrile (90:10, V/V)-water as mobile phase at 0.35 mL/min, detection wavelength at 246 nm, and column temperature of 35℃ were chosen.
经优化确定以(90:10)-水为流动相梯度洗脱,在检测波长246 nm,柱温35℃,流速0.35 mL/min的色谱条件下,18 min内能完成对13种脂肪酸衍生物的分离检测。

9. a column of water的近义词

9. The concentrations of CODcr and NH4+ vary from low to high, then from high to low in the process of refuse leaching, that is to say that there are three phases which are aerobian decomposition, facultative aerobian and anaerobian decomposition; (3)The time of landfill reaching to stabilize under the condition of filtration, for landfill of Jinqianpu, is at least 86 years if CODcr is regarded as a index; but is about 98 years when NH4+ as an index; (4)The column leaching experiment simulated is carried on interactivity between leachate and different lithologic characters, water-bearing media of different thickness. Some parameters can be determined by calculation, such as, the retained factor and hydro-chemical transportation rate of pollutants in suspended media, which quantitatively analyse the suspended soil capability of components purification and the pollution scope of water bearing media.

10. The watermelons, the citrullus lamtus or the stems and leaves thereof are taken as raw materials, and the extracting process comprises the following steps: firstly, the raw materials are washed clean and broken to separate the watermelon peel from the watermelon pulp for respectively extracting juice; the two juices are mixed, and micro-filtration and ultra-filtration are carried out to remove insoluble substances and macromolecular substances; and then reverse osmosis and nano-filtration are carried out to obtain the filtrate; the pH value of the filtrate is regulated and then a macroporous strong acid cation exchange resin column is added; and then ammonia water is taken as an eluant for isocratic elution; the eluent obtained is decompressed, distilled, deaminized, discolored, condensed and crystallized to obtain a white crystalline product of the natural L-citrulline extracted from the watermelons.

11. --- A system for condensing water from air includes a column having a substantially non-reflective surface effective for absorbing heat energy from the sun and transferring the heat to air in the interior of the column.

12. A scheme for compactification of ammonia water absorption refrigerators, especially for the reduction of the height of the generating rectification column is proposed, which includes using spiral sheet heat exchangers as the generator and the partial condenser of the refrigerator instead of the tube shell ones.

13. Diamonsil RP-C18 Colmnn (250 mm×4.6 mm, 5μm) is used and a mixture of methanol-water (65:35) as the mobile phase, flow rate was 0.8 mL/min, column temperature was room temperature, UV detected at 254nm.


14. Four isomers of red pigments were separated by HPLC on a RP-C18 column with methanol-water (99.5∶0.5, v/v) as mobile phase.

15. A new method was advanced to experimentally measure and theoretically compute the soil infiltrability based on the water/mass balance and the assumption of Green-Ampt distribution of soil moisture content in the infiltrating horizontal soil column.


16. Comparisons of the cumulative infiltrated water amount as computed with the estimated infiltrability with the total supplied water and that estimated from the actual changes in the moisture contents of the soil column indicate that the relative estimation errors are 11.5% and 15.89% respectively, and the relative error between the actual supplied water volume and water derived from the actual water contents measured in the experiment is only 1.02%, which demonstrates a relatively high accuracy of the method and also the possibility to improve the accuracy of this method.

17. The gravity of this water column continuously produces the vacuum and so a vacuum pump is not needed.

18. The invention relates to a grouting nib device for concrete crack of underwater column, comprising foaming rubber, vertical child-mother button, cloth bag, water bag, locating perforation belt, transverse elastic rubber fastening belt and grouting channel component.

19. The training program increased the salute, Libi, buckle column, dissolution and other content, the intensity of training are also some increase, seven to have a student doing squat movement, the face looks green, import spit white flavor, quickly sent to clinic treatment, so that training when the dissolution of movement has taken a break of 10 minutes way, everyone could not wait to go to water, to add physical fitness, in order to better training.

20. A quantitative method of alkaloidal monomers is established by HPLC/MS. The The sepatation was performed on a XTerraTM ODS column(5μm, 4.6mm id×150mm) with acetonitrile -water-acetic ammonium as mobile phase at the flow –rate of 1mL/min.
建立了苦豆子中主要的生物碱单体含量的测定方法:HPLC-MS法,色谱柱选用XTerraTMODS Column(5μm,4.6mmid×150mm);流动相为乙腈-水-乙酸铵,采用梯度洗脱,流速为1mL/min,柱温30℃;质谱作为检测器,选择离子采集方式。

Torricelli's work on water barometers showed that the pressure of the atmosphere could balance a column of water just over 30 feet in height.(托里切利在水银气压计方面的研究表明大气的压力可以让气压计中的水银柱上升30多英尺。)
A tangled kelp forest fills the water column off the coast of Maine.(缠结的海带森林弥漫着水柱沿海海面的缅因州。)
In this study, adsorption mass transfer process of phenol by soil particles was investigated by means of dynamic method in a water-saturated fine and column under vertical flow of phenolic effluents.(用动态法研究了饱水细沙土柱中含酚废水在垂直流动情况下,土壤颗粒对苯酚的吸附传质过程。)
A device applicable to simple separation between oil and water of kitchens comprises a column type container (1), a piece of filter gauze (2), a hose (3), a hose clip (4) and a hose hook (5).(一种适用于餐厨油水简单分离的装置,包括一个柱式容器(1)、一个滤网(2)、一根软管(3)、一个软管夹(4)、一个软管挂钩(5)构成。)
The purpose of this paper is to establish a mathematical model of an experimental facility for simulating OWC (oscillating water column) wave energy conversion in a static pond.(本文的目的在于建立静水池振荡水柱波能转换模拟试验装置的数学模型。)
Analysis by Curiosity revealed the presence of mudstone, a type of rock formed by fine grains of sediment settling out of a column of calm, still water.(好奇号通过分析发现有泥石存在,这种岩石是由沉淀物微粒在一块平静的水域中沉积而成的。)
But he was swiftly proved wrong, and literally ate his words by mixing a copy of his column with water in a blender and swallowing it.(但是很快就证明他是错的,而且他所说的话每一字一句都被唾弃。)
Three formaldehyde-filled jars tell a tale of diminishing life in a water column about 90 miles north of the well.(这三罐装满福尔马林瓶子告诉读者位于油井北方90英里处海域的生命是如何随着时间消逝的。)
The gravity of this water column continuously produces the vacuum and so a vacuum pump is not needed.(水柱的重力不断地引起真空,所以真空管是不需要的。)
The Model 1600a precision vacuum regulator features control sensitivity of 1 water column and a balanced supply valve for high precision.(示范1600a精密真空调节器控制1敏感性水柱和高精度供求平衡的阀门。)
a column of water是什么意思 a column of water在线翻译 a column of water什么意思 a column of water的意思 a column of water的翻译 a column of water的解释 a column of water的发音 a column of water的同义词