1. And there was this rule of thumb — it was not a regulation, but we strictly stuck to it — you dig a trench close to a shell or mine hole. Because we, as artillerists, knew, that it is very hard to hit the same spot twice...
2. As a rule of thumb, dividing sales forecasts by one hundred and adding one year to the projected shipping date is about right for startups without a prototype.
3. It's a rule of thumb.
4. a rule of thumb什么意思
4. That's a good rule of thumb.
5. a rule of thumb的翻译
5. A good rule of thumb is to provide at least one anchor per 16 square feet of exposed wall face.
6. Follow this rule of thumb for stick-to-itiveness: two minutes for a two-year-old, three minutes for a three-year-old and so on up the age ladder.
7. As a rule of thumb, aperture webs should be no less than the stencil thickness to curtail bridging defects.
8. A general rule of thumb is to measure about 1 cm below the belly button.
9. a rule of thumb的近义词
9. As a rule-of-thumb, the weight of the accelerometer should be no greater than 10% of the weight of the test article.
10. As a rule of thumb good trend lines should toh at least three previous highs or lows.
11. So, the rule of thumb here is a simple one.
12. The rule of thumb is that if you train a dog to do something, expect him to do it.
13. So, the general rule of thumb is to make your application recreate indexes on a regular basis.
14. A good rule of thumb is to order at least one more dish than the number of people at the table. Two or three is even better - so you get to try more things.
15. a rule of thumb
15. A good rule of thumb is to start with a higher tire pressure for your bike.
16. A good rule of thumb is to listen initially for at least 5 minutes without interrupting the patient.
17. As a general rule of thumb, it is illegal to download commercially-released music and movies from P2P.
18. A WORD ABOUT CONFIDENCE LIMITS; Two important rule s of thumb are
19. A good rule of thumb is to wear something somewhat dressier than what the employees wear to work.
20. a rule of thumb
20. Comments: A good rule of thumb is for each faculty member to lead about three breakouts of the six in each Part. Consideration should be given to limiting the number of breakouts assigned to a faculty member because it takes time and effort for a faculty member to be completely familiar with the course material and to plan his/her approach to the session.