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更新时间:2024-09-19 15:25:06
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a rule of thumb的解释

1. Dietary habits differ from country to country and region to region, and there cannot be a rule of thumb for all.

2. The rule of thumb is that every 1 percentage point increase in mortgage rates reduces a buyer's purchasing power by about 10 percent.

3. As a rule of thumb, it is rational for individual farmers to choose more rewarding urban jobs.

4. As a rule of thumb, a country's equity market should roughly reflect nominal economic growth.

5. As a rule of thumb, housing is considered affordable when it costs 30 percent or less of a household's income.

6. The figure is only a rule of thumb but it gives an idea of the range of the total quantity available in an average year.

7. A rule of thumb to remember for successful world cities is " one subway line for every million people ".

8. A good rule of thumb is that if the dress demands heels, stick to bare legs.

9. The distance covered in that time depends on the body of water, but 10 kilometres is a good rule of thumb.

10. As a rule of thumb, you should never give out your bank account details before landing the job.

a rule of thumb的意思

1. And there was this rule of thumb — it was not a regulation, but we strictly stuck to it — you dig a trench close to a shell or mine hole. Because we, as artillerists, knew, that it is very hard to hit the same spot twice...

2. As a rule of thumb, dividing sales forecasts by one hundred and adding one year to the projected shipping date is about right for startups without a prototype.

3. It's a rule of thumb.

4. a rule of thumb什么意思

4. That's a good rule of thumb.

5. a rule of thumb的翻译

5. A good rule of thumb is to provide at least one anchor per 16 square feet of exposed wall face.

6. Follow this rule of thumb for stick-to-itiveness: two minutes for a two-year-old, three minutes for a three-year-old and so on up the age ladder.


7. As a rule of thumb, aperture webs should be no less than the stencil thickness to curtail bridging defects.

8. A general rule of thumb is to measure about 1 cm below the belly button.

9. a rule of thumb的近义词

9. As a rule-of-thumb, the weight of the accelerometer should be no greater than 10% of the weight of the test article.

10. As a rule of thumb good trend lines should toh at least three previous highs or lows.

11. So, the rule of thumb here is a simple one.

12. The rule of thumb is that if you train a dog to do something, expect him to do it.

13. So, the general rule of thumb is to make your application recreate indexes on a regular basis.


14. A good rule of thumb is to order at least one more dish than the number of people at the table. Two or three is even better - so you get to try more things.

15. a rule of thumb

15. A good rule of thumb is to start with a higher tire pressure for your bike.

16. A good rule of thumb is to listen initially for at least 5 minutes without interrupting the patient.

17. As a general rule of thumb, it is illegal to download commercially-released music and movies from P2P.

18. A WORD ABOUT CONFIDENCE LIMITS; Two important rule s of thumb are

19. A good rule of thumb is to wear something somewhat dressier than what the employees wear to work.

20. a rule of thumb

20. Comments: A good rule of thumb is for each faculty member to lead about three breakouts of the six in each Part. Consideration should be given to limiting the number of breakouts assigned to a faculty member because it takes time and effort for a faculty member to be completely familiar with the course material and to plan his/her approach to the session.

You can probably take it as a rule of thumb from now on that if people don't think you're weird, you're living badly.(从现在开始,可以用一个简单粗暴的原则:如果别人不认为你古怪,那么你的日子就糟糕了。)
As a rule of thumb for OLTP applications, use DMS tablespaces with multiple devices.(作为OLTP应用程序的经验法则,可在多个设备上使用dms表空间。)
Finalizers have a few valid USES, which we'll cover later in this item, but as a rule of thumb, you should avoid finalizers.(终结方法有一些有效的使用,这个在本条目的后面会讲到,但根据经验,你应该避免使用终结方法。)
A rule of thumb is that the syntax is similar to the syntax in C, which in turn is similar to the syntax used in everyday mathematics.(根据经验,语法与C中的语法相似,C中的语法又与平常数学中使用的语法相似。)
As a rule of thumb, you should make most properties private, then provide methods for getting and setting them if necessary.(一般来说,应将大多数属性声明为private,然后根据需要提供获得和设置这些属性的方法。)
The market price of the dollar provides such a rule of thumb.(美元的市场价格就是这样的经验法则。)
As a rule of thumb, you should cook a chicken for 20 minutes for each pound that it weighs.(凭经验估计,每磅鸡肉应烹调20分钟。)
As a rule of thumb, if you find yourself wrapping more than three disparate chunks of code in a category, consider making it an expando.(一般说来,如果您发现自己在一个category中包装超过3个根本不同的代码块时,考虑使用expando。)
A rule of thumb is that total contributions need to be around 20% of wages to match a traditional final-salary scheme.(根据过往经验,劳资双方的总投入应该相当于工资的20%,这样才能达到传统的最终薪酬计划的水平。)
As a rule of thumb, a country should have enough reserves to cover its short-term foreign debt.(根据一项简单的法则,一国的外汇储备应足以偿付其短期外债。)
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