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更新时间:2024-09-19 15:25:21
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a telephone booth什么意思

1. The estate includes a red English telephone booth and English garden, as well as a red Chinese gate and cedar pagoda.

1. a telephone booth

1. It is a civilized symbol that the distance between every other one sets up a telephone booth in the street, it is a piece of scenery beautiful in the city at the same time.


2. There is a telephone booth near by the cinema.

3. Excuse me, please, can you tell me where to find a telephone booth?

4. Where can I find a telephone booth?


5. There is a telephone booth in front of the bank.


6. Your voice sounds distant and not your own, like you're speaking inside of a closed telephone booth.

7. One day, when John was working, Mrs. Morris called him from a telephone booth.

8. I didn't bring my cell phone with me, so I have to call you back from a telephone booth.

9. a telephone booth

9. He called from a public telephone booth.

10. Next day, morning 6am I arrieved at the Chicago airport, and got to the baggage office place, but there was no my daughter figure till the 8:50am. I went to the telephone booth to make a phone, put 50cents into the box, no dail up, that was a bad machine, and I wanted to change a booth again, but with no another 50cent coin. I could not pick out the coin had in the box, how about that?

11. The lonely figure of ancient scholar dressed traditionally appearing like a ghost in the narrow and transparent Telephone Booth.

12. He said that he was going to make a telephone call, and suiting the action to the words, he immediately set off for the phone booth.


13. There is a public telephone (booth) at the end of this lane.

14. He banged into a telephone booth and hurt his leg.

15. There was a girl making a phone call in the telephone booth.

16. The phone call is so urgent that there isn't ehough time for him to travel a long way to find another telephone booth.

17. I did not bring my cell phone with me, so I have to call you back from a telephone booth.

18. a telephone booth

18. At the first drugstore he stopped, seeing a long-distance telephone booth inside.

19. There happened to be a telephone booth near the bus stop.

20. a telephone booth

20. It happened that there was a telephone Booth nearBy.

The size of these cages vary by country but many bears suffer confinement in cages equivalent to the size of a telephone booth turned on its side.(大小的铁笼,这些不同的国家,但许多熊受到禁闭在铁笼相等于大小的一个电话亭拒绝就其副作用。)
She finally arrived at a telephone booth and put in the COINS before dialing Paris.(她终于来到电话亭,投入硬币后便开始拨打巴黎。)
It happened that there was a telephone booth nearby.(碰巧在附近有个公用电话亭。)
A man was sweeping near the telephone booth.(电话亭旁有一个人在扫地。)
There is a a public telephone booth. Why not call the boss there?(那儿有座公共电话亭,给老板打个电话吧。)
In the telephone booth, a girl was making a call.(电话亭里,有一个女孩在打电话。)
At the first drug store he stopped, seeing a long-distance telephone booth inside.(走到第一家药店,他看见店里有个长途电话间,于是停了下来。)
One day, when John was working, Mrs. Morris called him from a telephone booth.(一天,当约翰在工作时,莫里斯太太从一个电话亭给他打了一个电话。)
After lunch, I made a call to my mum in the nearby telephone booth and told her I was going home soon.(午饭后,我到附近的电话亭给母亲打了个电话:“妈,今天我回家!”)
His big invention was something called an "orgone energy accumulator", a box about the size of a telephone booth which collected good atmospheric energy.(他的一大发明是一种称作“自然力蓄积器”的器件,这是一个电话亭大小的箱子,它可以收集大气中好的能量。)
a telephone booth是什么意思 a telephone booth在线翻译 a telephone booth什么意思 a telephone booth的意思 a telephone booth的翻译 a telephone booth的解释 a telephone booth的发音 a telephone booth的同义词