更新时间:2025-03-03 07:13:30
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过去式: accented 过去分词: accented 现在分词: accenting 第三人称单数: accents
n.(名词) 重音,强音 重音符号 口音 强调 声调,腔调,音调,语调 特色,特征 重读 扬音 韵符 抑扬 腔 土腔 词句 v.(动词) 重读,用重音读 加重音符号于,给...加上重音符号 着重说,强调,着重,极力主张,突出,注重 带…口音讲话 使显得突出, 使特别显著
n.(名词) [C][U]口音; 腔调; 土音 a way of pronouncing the words of a language that shows which country or area a person comes from[C]变音符号 a mark on a letter to show that it should be pronounced in a particular way[C]重音 the emphasis that you should give to part of a word when saying it[S]着重点; 强调 a special importance that is given to sth; a special emphasis given to sthv.(动词) vt. 重读 pronounce (a word or a part of a word) with an accentvt. 强调; 突出 emphasize a part of sth; emphasize a word, sound, or feature; direct attention to; accentuate
Noun: distinctive manner of oral expression;"he couldn't suppress his contemptuous accent" "she had a very clear speech pattern"
special importance or significance;"the red light gave the central figure increased emphasis" "the room was decorated in shades of grey with distinctive red accents"
the usage or vocabulary that is characteristic of a specific group of people;"the immigrants spoke an odd dialect of English" "he has a strong German accent" "it has been said that a language is a dialect with an army and navy"
the relative prominence of a syllable or musical note (especially with regard to stress or pitch);"he put the stress on the wrong syllable"
a diacritical mark used to indicate stress or placed above a vowel to indicate a special pronunciation
Verb: to stress, single out as important;"Dr. Jones emphasizes exercise in addition to a change in diet"
put stress on; utter with an accent;"In Farsi, you accent the last syllable of each word"
His accent is London. 他操伦敦口音。 If he had missed the personal accent, the personal accent was now making its appearance. 如果他起先没有注意到个人有什么特殊表示的话,那么现在这种表示却流露出来了。 The accent weakens here. 重音在这里弱化。 Her accent betrayed her nationality. 从她的口音可以知道她的国籍。 This season the accent is definitely on long, flowing romantic clothes. 本季服饰无疑是以修长飘逸、充满浪漫情调为主。 The accent is on the first syllable. 重音在第一个音节上。 In this word the accent is on the second syllable. 这个词的重音在第二个音节上。 In all our products the accent is on quality. 我们所有的产品都强调质量。 The accent is on presentation in this contest. 这次比赛重点在于表演。 In the discussion the accent was unemployment. 此次讨论的重点是失业问题。 There's an acute accent on the first “e”. 在第一个e上标有一个尖音符。 He has a strong American accent. 他有很重的美国口音。 He had some sort of an English accent. 他有那么一点英格兰的口音。 He's got a broad Scotch accent. 他说话带有浓重的苏格兰口音。 He had never lost his north-country accent. 他始终不曾摆脱他的北方乡音。 Tom hasn't lost his broad Irish accent. 汤姆还没去掉他那浓重的爱尔兰口音。 I thought I could detect a slight West Country accent. 我想我能觉察到一点轻微的西部乡村口音。 The education he received in Britain has affected his accent. 他在英国所受的教育影响了他的口音。 She studies different types of accent. 她研究不同的口音。 Mild was his accent, and his action free. 他说话慢声细语,他的举止洒脱不羁。 The word “lady” has its accent on the first syllable.lady 这个词的重音在第一个音节上。 Please place the accent on the first syllable. 请把重音放在第一个音节上。 Most English words have their accents on the first syllable. 绝大多数英语词的重音在第一个音节上。 He changed a word or two and put in an accent he had missed. 他换掉一、两个词,再加上一个漏加的重音符号。 The kids all put on a phoney American accent. 这些小孩都操着一副假冒的美国腔。 This is a secondary accent. 这个是次重音。 The room was quiet and neutral in colouring, but it was given accent by bowls of bright flowers. 室内色彩素静,但是一盆盆的鲜花,使屋子大为增色。 From your accent,I judge you are a man of some education. 从你的口音来看,你是个受过一些教育的人。 He speaks in his broad accent. 他说话地方口音很重。 He told me his story in broken accent. 他语不成句地对我叙述了他的经历。 He understands that the trial will be held in recognizable New York accents. 他了解审判将会用他可以辨认的纽约语调进行。 He can get rid of an accent when speaking English. 他的英语很纯正,没有口音。 I tried to get rid of my Coventry accent when I went to university. 上大学时,我试图改掉自己的考文垂口音。 He has become one of the leading authorities on American accents. 他已成为美国语调方面的第一流的权威之一。 She speaks with a Southern accent. 她说话带有南方口音。 She spoke with an Irish accent. 她说话带有爱尔兰口音。 He speaks English with a strong Chinese accent. 他说英语带有很重的汉语味儿。 Many people speak English with a foreign accent. 很多人说英语时都带有外国腔。 He speaks without accent. 他说话不带地方口音。 She speaks Japanese without an accent. 她说日语语音纯正。 用作动词(v.)
The accent of humour characterizes Jerome's writings. 幽默构成了杰罗姆创作的特色。 The very accents of consultation were heard. 听得出话语中正是磋商的口气。 My daughter spoke to her doll in tender accents of love. 我女儿用充满爱意的温柔语调对她的玩具娃娃说话。 In the moralistic accents of today's leaders we hear echoes of a previous generation's hypocrisy. 在当今领导人的说教腔调中,我们感到了上一代人的伪善。 Shakespeare's writing has the accent of greatness. 莎士比亚的文笔气度恢宏。 We increase production with the accent on quality. 我们将增加产品的重点放在提高质量上。 She had a strong Russian accent to her English. 她说英语时俄语的腔调很重。
用作名词 (n.)
动词+~ 形容词+~ 名词+~ ~+名词 介词+~ ~+介词 用作动词 (v.)
~+名词 ~+副词
Mild was his accent.
出自:Dryden Somebody said in muffled accents: 'Merciful goodness!'
出自:L. M. Montgomery I can not accent aryght in the latyn tonge.
出自:J. Palsgrave Accenting the last syllable in the adjective.
出自:H. W. Fowler
n.(名词) accent 用作名词的基本意思是“口音; 腔调”,其特点体现在语音上,往往与地域、民族或社会阶层有关,通常为可数名词,偶尔也可用作不可数名词。表示带有某种口音或腔调,通常接介词 with 或 in,表示不带某种口音通常接介词without。accent 的复数形式常可表示某人或某一群体的语言特征或感情语调,即“口气”“情调”等,这时多使用介词in。accent 表示“强调”或“重点”时,是单数名词,多含有为获得审美效果而进行对照,从而避免单调,达到鲜明突出的意思,常与介词on连用。v.(动词) accent 是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。accent 表示“强调”,可以通过“重读”,也可借助其他手段。
Created with Highcharts 10.0.0 词性常用度
n.(名词) accent, dialect 这两个词的意思其实并不相同, accent 是“乡音; 口音”,其标记体现在读音方面, dialect 是“方言”,其特点体现在不同的语法结构和词汇上。试比较下面两句: He has a thick country accent. 他的乡土口音很重。 Cockney is the colourful dialect spoken in the East End of London. 伦敦土话是在伦敦东区流行的一种 非常生动的方言。
☆ 16世纪30年代进入英语,直接源自中世纪法语的accent;最初源自拉丁语的accentus,意为为演讲助兴的歌唱。
accented是什么意思 accented在线翻译 accented什么意思 accented的意思 accented的翻译 accented的解释 accented的发音 accented的同义词