You will not be able to escape the pain completely, though acedia will dull it a little. But unfortunately it lies in your power to reject the joy utterly.(人生一定是既有欢乐也有痛苦的,虽然“怠惰”可能会让人能够对痛苦麻木一些,但你还是不能完全逃脱痛苦。)
If... how should if is a person acedia, do?(如果……如果一个人绝望了该怎么办?)
To be guilty of Acedia it is not necessary to be physically sluggish at all . You can be as busy as a bee .(犯下这种“怠惰”的罪行和生理上的怠惰没有太多的关系,你甚至可能像一只蜜蜂那样忙碌,日程表排的满满的,在会议和派对之中周旋不停。)
But if you know the truth, you are protected from Acedia.(但是如果你能了解其中的道理,你就能远离“怠惰”对你的侵害。)
Volleyball beauty always criticized my acedia in the past, such as didn't like to attend a lecture.(排球美女原来总是批评我懒惰,不爱听讲座,的确如此。)
You must be honest with yourself, because self -deception is one of the commonest roads to Acedia.(在这个问题上,你必须保持诚实,因为自欺也通向“怠惰”最常见的道路。)
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