英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 09:51:16



英 [ˈeɪkɔ:n]

美 [ˈeɪkɔ:rn]



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  • 橡子
  • 橡实
  • 槲果
  • 橡树果实
  • 栎子
  • 橡树子
  • 桅顶饰
  • 栎实



1. fruit of the oak tree: a smooth thin-walled nut in a woody cup-shaped base

1. 橡(树果)实;橡子
An acorn is a pale oval nut that is the fruit of an oak tree.


1. 橡实:由加州大学圣地牙哥分校(UC San Diego)最近推出的松鼠(Squirrel)感应器,大约手掌大小,能测量一氧化碳及臭氧含量,并收集空气中的氮氧化物及二氧化硫及温度、气压、湿度等资讯,利用蓝牙传送到使用者的手机上,而安装在手机上橡实(Acorn)程式即可透过银幕保护程式,

2. 橡果:乔治杰生最有名且最受欢迎的刀叉餐具,就是约翰罗德设计的橡果(ACORN)系列. 这套餐具组完成于一九一五年,到现在依然是这个品牌刀叉餐具组阵容最庞大的设计. 所以,二○○四年品牌过一百岁生日时,为庆生而设计的特殊商品中,

3. 橡树果实:我可以举出另一个例子来说明这一属的习性改变的情况,根据得沙苏尔(DeSaussure)的描述,有一种墨西哥的啄木鸟在坚硬的树木上打孔,以贮藏橡树果实(acorn).

The oak is implicit in the acorn.(橡树孕育于橡子之中。)
She made a halt here, and breakfasted a second time, heartily enough—not at the Sow-and-Acorn, for she avoided inns, but at a cottage by the church.(她在这儿停了下来,又吃了一次早饭,吃得很痛快——不是在Sow-and-Acorn客栈,因为她要避开客栈,而是在教堂旁边的一家农舍里。)
In this third film in the franchise, Scrat is still chasing his acorn with hilarious results.(这部冰原系列电影第三集中,鼠奎特还是一直追着橡实跑,每次结果都令人捧腹大笑。)
If an ant finds an outstanding hole—such as the inside of an acorn or a rock crevice—it recruits another scout to check it out.(如果一只蚂蚁找到了一个出色的洞穴——比如橡子或岩石裂缝的内部——它就会叫来另一只侦察蚁对洞穴进行检查。)
An acorn will become a mighty oak.(一粒橡子会成为一棵大橡树。)
So much as an acorn cup.(甚至于橡子杯也没有丢。)
This year, the berry and acorn supply is ample in much of the state.(今年该州大部分地区的浆果和松子都很充足,但有些熊显然喜欢人类的食物。)
First an acorn; then an oak tree forest.(先是橡子,然后是一片橡树林。)
Western Snowy Plover , Acorn Woodpecker, and Peregrine Falcon.(西部雪鸻鸟、橡实啄木鸟和游隼。)
It is like the acorn of an oak tree.(其就像一颗橡树的橡果。)
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