英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 07:15:48



英 [ədˈhɪə(r)]

美 [ədˈhɪr]


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过去式: adhered 过去分词: adhered 现在分词: adhering 第三人称单数: adheres

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  • 坚持
  • 支持
  • 依附
  • 追随
  • 遵守
  • 固着
  • 遵循
  • 粘上
  • 固执
  • 黏附
  • 粘附
  • 紧粘
  • 紧黏
  • 附着
  • 粘着
  • 忠于
  • 墨守
  • 坚守于
  • 对 … 忠贞
  • 紧抓着
  • 使附着
  • 使粘牢
  • vi. 黏附,附着 stick firmly
  • vi. 遵守,追随 follow sth
  • vi. 坚持,支持 give support to sth


1. follow through or carry out a plan without deviation

e.g. They adhered to their plan

2. come or be in close contact with
stick or hold together and resist separation

e.g. The dress clings to her body
The label stuck to the box
The sushi rice grains cohere

Synonym: clingcleavestickcohere

3. stick to firmly

e.g. Will this wallpaper adhere to the wall?

Synonym: hold fastbondbindstickstick to

4. be loyal to

e.g. She stood by her husband in times of trouble
The friends stuck together through the war

Synonym: stand bystick bystick

5. be a devoted follower or supporter

e.g. The residents of this village adhered to Catholicism
She sticks to her principles

Synonym: stick

6. be compatible or in accordance with

e.g. You must adhere to the rules

1. 遵守,遵循(规定或协议)
If you adhere to a rule or agreement, you act in the way that it says you should.

e.g. All members of the association adhere to a strict code of practice...
e.g. She adhered to the strict Islamic dress code.

2. 支持,拥护,持有(观点或信仰)
If you adhere to an opinion or belief, you support or hold it.

e.g. He urged them to adhere to the values of Islam which defend the dignity of man.

3. 黏附;附着
If something adheres to something else, it sticks firmly to it.

e.g. Small particles adhere to the seed...
e.g. This sticky compound adheres well on this surface.

1. adhere的意思

1. 黏着:所谓明确即在传统的双元逻辑中,一个叙述非真则为假,网路之转置(Transition)开关输入值,以经济成本观点为基础,判断滚珠轴承(Balls Bearing)、黏著(Adhere)榫(Insert) 可以拆解零件使用数学方式计算零件间接合点数的总数,

2. 依附:图 ( Graph )是由顶点的有穷 非空 集合和顶点之间边的集合组成,通常表示为:在无向图中,对于任意两个顶点 v i 和 v j ,若存在边 ( v i , v j ) ,则称顶点 v i 和 v j 互为邻接点( Adjacent ),同时称边 ( v i , v j ) 依附( Adhere )于顶点 v i 和

3. adhere什么意思

3. 坚持,黏著:adapt 使适应,使适合 | adhere 坚持,黏著 | adjourn 延期,休会

4. adhere的近义词

4. 粘附:ADH 可利用井底功率 | adhere 粘附 | adherence limit 粘附范围

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    遵循,依附; 坚持continue to follow or remain loyal to (an idea, belief, plan, etc.)
    adhere to sth

    Paste is used to make one surface adhere to another.


    Most people adhere to the church of their parents.


    They failed to adhere to our original agreement .


    He resolutely adhered to what he had said at the meeting.


1. adhere to : v. 粘附, 粘着, 坚持, 追随, 拥护;

  • The two surfaces adhered, and we couldn't get them apart.
  • Abdominal tissues sometimes adhere after an operation.
用作动词 (v.)
  • These people..adhered to the Church of Rome.

    出自:Ld Macaulay
  • 词语用法

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  • 词源解说

  • adhere的基本意思是“黏附,附着”,指用胶水、糨糊、黏结剂等粘贴,强调把某物紧紧地固定在另一物的表面上,引申可表示明显独立的各部位因发展而产生“依附”,用于人时则指有意或自愿接受教义或信仰等,即“坚持决定、习惯、意见、计划等”。
  • adhere是不及物动词,常与介词to连用,多用于正式场合。
Created with Highcharts 10.0.0词性常用度
adhere, stick
  • 这两个词都含有“黏附”的意思,都可表示用胶水、糨糊、黏结剂等粘贴,一般可互换。例如:
  • The mud adhered〔sticked〕 to his feet.泥巴粘在他的脚上。其区别是:
  • 1.从程度上说, adhere较stick更牢固,更强调紧紧地固定在另一物的表面上。例如:
  • The decal doesn't adhere to the window.这种印花胶纸无法粘在窗子上。
  • He stuck the broken pieces of the painting together again.他把那幅画的碎片重新粘了起来。
  • 2.从时间上说, adhere较stick更长久。例如:
  • The dough stuck to my fingers.面团粘在我的手指上。
  • 3.adhere仅用作不及物动词,而stick除用作不及物动词,还可用作及物动词。例如:
  • They adhered to their original plan.他们坚持原来的计划。
    • ☆ 1590左右进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的adhaerere,意为黏附。
    • 近义词

    • 临近词

    Small particles adhere to the seed.(微小的粒子紧贴着种子。)
    I'm afraid you have to adhere to the assigned topic.(恐怕你必须遵循指定的主题。)
    Well, matters of the heart rarely adhere to hard-boiled logic.(这么说吧,感情这方面的东西很少能够遵循无情的逻辑。)
    Adhere to industry standards and specifications.(遵循行业标准和规范。)
    Keep changes simple so they will be easier to adhere to.(保持你的改变简单,从而更容易坚持。)
    What if the solution doesn't adhere to standards and best practices?(如果解决方案不遵守标准和最佳实践又会怎么样呢?)
    Glue will adhere the tiles to the wallboard.(胶水会把瓷砖粘在墙板上。)
    My definition revolves around the concept of "stickiness"—creations and experiences to which others adhere.(我的定义围绕着“粘性”——其他人拥护的创造和体验。)
    Clients and server adhere to a uniform interface.(客户机和服务器都遵从统一的接口。)
    Professionals adhere to high values and principles.(专业人士应追求高尚的价值和原则。)
    adhere是什么意思 adhere在线翻译 adhere什么意思 adhere的意思 adhere的翻译 adhere的解释 adhere的发音 adhere的同义词