英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 10:10:29
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1. living or active in the absence of free oxygen

e.g. anaerobic bacteria

Synonym: anaerobiotic

2. not aerobic

e.g. isometric exercises are anaerobic

1. 厌氧的;由厌氧菌引起的
Anaerobic creatures or processes do not need oxygen in order to function or survive.

e.g. Anaerobic respiration occurs only in particularly active tissues such as muscles during severe exercise.

2. (锻炼)无氧的
Anaerobic exercise is exercise such as weight training that improves your strength but does not raise your heart rate.

e.g. ...an anaerobic workout.

1. anaerobic

1. 厌氧:生物处理主要分为喜气 / 好氧(Aerobic)及厌气 / 厌氧(Anaerobic) 两大类别. 但就普及性、方便性及稳定性而言,喜气处理占有率高达80%以上. 而喜气处理最主要之关键乃在於如何充份有效地将空气中之氧气,

2. 厌氧性:水中的有机物受到微生物的分解 , 不管是好氧性(Aerobic)或是厌氧性(Anaerobic)之情况下 , 均会分解产生氨(NH3) ,

3. 无氧:乳酸产生的浓多寡,则与运动过程中有氧(aerobic)和无氧(anaerobic)系统能代谢的百分比有关. 同的能系统输出,对於人体运动时血乳酸值影响其浓的变化. 以磷酸系统为主要供给能源时血乳酸浓较少,一般超过4mmol/l;以醣酵解系统为主要供应能源时,

4. 厌氧的:anaerobic water 无氧水 | anaerobic 厌氧的 | anaerobion 厌氧菌

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Existing anaerobic systems are typically used to treat industrial wastewater with a low solid content.(现有的无氧降解系统主要适用于低固体含量的工业污水。)
The passage's suggestion that the total anaerobic energy reserves of a vertebrate are proportional to the vertebrate's size is based on which of the following assumption?(这篇文章提出的脊椎动物的无氧能量储备总量与脊椎动物的体型成正比,是基于以下哪些假设?)
The coliform group referred to the aerobic or facultative anaerobic gram-negative budless bacillus.(大肠菌群是指需氧和兼性厌氧的革兰氏阴性无芽孢杆菌。)
But aerating sewage is expensive and difficult; using anaerobic bacteria is cheaper and simpler.(给污物充气是昂贵且困难的,不过利用厌氧细菌却便宜简单。)
When the tide comes in, anaerobic bacteria, which need no oxygen, go to work.(潮汐到来时,不需要氧气的厌氧菌就可以活动了。)
Anaerobic lagoons treat manure on some animal feeding operations prior to application to crops as a fertilizer.(泻湖先将饲养动物的粪便加以处理,再当做肥料用于作物。)
Bottom line? Anaerobic metabolism utilizes only glucose as an energy source.(底线?无氧代谢仅使用一种能源,葡萄糖。)
Thus the anaerobic energy reserves of a vertebrate are proportional to the size of the animal.(因此,脊椎动物的无氧能量储备与动物的大小成正比。)
The oxygen is quickly used in the decay process, and anaerobic bacteria take over.(腐烂过程中迅速消耗氧气,分解细菌由厌氧菌取代。)
Anaerobic exercise is a powerful burst of movement followed by a period of rest.(无氧运动是一种爆发型运动,运动完后需要休息一段时间。)
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