英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 10:13:31



英 [ˈænədaɪn]

美 [ˈænəˌdaɪn]



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1. a medicine used to relieve pain

Synonym: analgesicpainkillerpain pill


1. capable of relieving pain

e.g. the anodyne properties of certain drugs
an analgesic effect

Synonym: analgesicanalgetic

1. 平淡无奇的;四平八稳的;乏味无趣的
If you describe something as anodyne, you are criticizing it because it has no strong characteristics and is not likely to excite, interest, or upset anyone.

e.g. Their quarterly meetings were anodyne affairs.

1. 止痛剂:anodontia 无齿 | anodyne 止痛剂 | anoesis 纯被动意识

2. 止痛的:anodmia 失嗅症 | anodyne 止痛的 | anodynia 无痛

3. 止痛药:anodontia 无牙 | anodyne 止痛药 | anodynia 无痛

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Their quarterly meetings were anodyne affairs.(他们的季度会议是平淡乏味的事情。)
Mr Cisneros, once an opposition supporter, has faced accusations that his channel's anodyne news output is the result of a deal with Mr Chavez.(作为曾经的反对派,西斯内罗斯正面临着谴责,说他现在播出的那些不痛不痒的新闻是他和查韦斯达成交易的结果。)
The invention discloses a rheumatalgia-relieving anodyne. The traditional therapeutic method is to inject antipyretic, but the effect is not obvious, and the disease can not achieve the radical cure.(追风止痛剂,传统的治疗方法是打消炎针,但是效果不明显,并且不能根治。)
Eat anodyne what to side effect there is?(吃止痛药有什么副作用?)
What they got was Apotheker's anodyne vision of an evolving IT industry, the disruptive force of cloud computing, and HP's role as a soup-to-nuts provider.(不过他们从李艾科那里得到的却是波澜不惊的愿景——IT业将进一步演化;)
This article will simply relate use methods of various kinds of drugs since the evolvement of anodyne artificial abortion.(本文将对近些年无痛人流技术开展以来各种药物的应用方法作一简述。)
States typically like to stick to anodyne messages, like saving wildflowers or animals.(各州都很典型地喜欢坚持温和的标语,例如拯救野花或者动物。)
Time is an anodyne of grief.(时间能消除悲伤。)
She had an acute pain in her wounded leg, so she had to take an anodyne.(她受伤的那条腿疼的厉害,她只好吃了一片止疼药。)
The defender in him kept his remarks to the anodyne, or at least to what most people in most places would regard as the anodyne.(他作为门将的天性使得他的评论不痛不痒,或者至少在很多地方很多人看来都是不痛不痒的。)
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