Could the beautiful and "wisp-thin" Middleton "encourage" anorexia in hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of women?(这位美丽而骨干的米德尔顿能够使得成千上百万的女性变成厌食症患者吗?)
Anorexia and bulimia are very rare and complex psychological disorders with a strong genetic component.(厌食症和易饿病是少见和复杂的心理疾病,并且带有很强的遗传因素的。)
The eating disorder was also called apepsia hysterica and anorexia hysterica at the time.(饮食失调在当时也被称为子宫延迟性消化不良和子宫性厌食。)
After suffering from anorexia, Rebecca Jones weighs five stone -less than her seven-year-old daughter, Maisy.(患上厌食症以后,丽贝卡·琼斯体重仅为五英石(英国的一种计重单位)——比她七岁的女儿玫思还要轻。)
‘It's you against the anorexia,’ adds her father, Phil, a supermarket manager.(“是我们全家在和厌食症抗争,”她的父亲菲利补充道,它是一个超市经理。)
They found that women with anorexia or bulimia draw themselves with different characteristics than women without eating disorders.(研究人员发现,有厌食症或暴食症的女性自画像中有不同于正常人的特征。)
Anorexia, bulimia, and other eating disorders can also cause serious nutritional shortfalls that can affect the health of your teeth.(厌食症、暴食症和其他进食紊乱症都可导致严重的营养不足从而影响你的牙齿健康。)
What if you or your partner are crippled by negative self-image fueled by bulimia, anorexia, or any other eating disorder?(假如你或你的伴侣被易饿症,厌食症或任何饮食紊乱症状困扰不堪备受创伤呢?)
This may also have implications for treating people who have a distorted self-image, or disorders such as anorexia.(这也许能对自我形象扭曲者或厌食患者的治疗有所启发。)
The clinical signs are hypoglycemia, ketonemia, ketonuria, disperse, anorexia, ataxia, anaesthesia and final death.(临床主要表现为低血糖、酮血、酮尿、离群、厌食、运动失调、麻木、最后死亡。)
anorexia是什么意思 anorexia在线翻译 anorexia什么意思 anorexia的意思 anorexia的翻译 anorexia的解释 anorexia的发音 anorexia的同义词