英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 10:15:49



英 [ˈænvɪl]

美 [ˈænvɪl]



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1. a heavy block of iron or steel on which hot metals are shaped by hammering

2. the ossicle between the malleus and the stapes

Synonym: incus

1. 铁砧
An anvil is a heavy iron block on which hot metals are beaten into shape.

2. 锤炼;磨炼
You can refer to a difficult experience that changes someone or leads to something good as a particular type of anvil .

e.g. His independence had been forged on the anvil of a harsh environment.


1. 砧骨:中耳有3块听小骨,从外向内分别称为锤骨(hammer)、砧骨(anvil)和镫骨(stirrup). 这3块听小骨连成一个杠杆样装置,锤骨的外端附着于鼓膜内面,镫骨的内端附着于中耳深部的一个卵圆形膜,即卵圆窗(oval window)上. 卵圆窗的下面还有一个圆形薄膜,

2. anvil是什么意思

2. 砧:我观看[囚徒](The Prisoner)的进度有些落后,不过我已经看到第三集[铁砧](Anvil),而且目前为止十分喜欢这部剧集. 它像是[阴阳魔界](The Twilight Zone),[冲锋飞车队](Road Warrior),以及[楚门的世界](The Truman Show)的综合体,

3. 铁:在缀思刺针枪发明时,纸包弹也有所改变,主要是弹头形状的改变(从圆球变圆锥状,conical),以及在弹头底部加入雷汞来做底火,子弹的击发是用刺针撞击弹头底部的雷汞来发火,弹头底变成钻铁(anvil).

  • 经典引文

  • He has now on the anvil another scheme.

A good anvil does not fear the hammer.(好砧不怕锤。)
It was less a hill than a gigantic anvil jumping out of the mountain range.(那座他指着的山更象是一个从山脉里蹦出来的铁砧。)
Combat is the anvil of will!(战斗是铁砧的意志。)
I know that the irony strikes with the force of a cartoon anvil, now.(现在,我知道这讽刺的事如卡通铁砧的力道般强大。)
Anti-diseases anvil-wood is very effective in brinjal engrafting to prevent soil-transmitted diseases and increase production greatly with no pollution.(抗病砧木在茄子嫁接中非常有效,防止通过土地传播的疾病,无污染地大大增加产量。)
What the anvil?(在什么样的铁砧上?)
The hammer was to strike the anvil during the first week of April.(在四月的第一周结束后,以千钧之势,苏军开始了进攻。)
We are looking at ways to test individual modules in Anvil using Flex Monkey.(我们一直在寻找办法使用FlexMonkey测试Anvil中的各个模块。)
Life is like an anvil, the more to be beat, the more able to spark. - Galileo.(生命有如铁砧,愈被敲打,愈能发出火花。——伽利略。)
A hammer, pliers and an anvil - the main tools of a blacksmith.(铁匠使用的重要工具:一把大锤、一把铁钳和一个大铁墩。)
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