英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 09:29:11



英 [ˈeɪpeks]

美 [ˈepɛks]


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名词复数: apexes

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  • 顶点
  • 最高点
  • 脉顶
  • 【矿】脉尖矿脉顶
  • 尖端
  • 绝顶
  • 【天】奔赴点
  • 向点
  • 【无线电】反射点
  • 顶峰
  • 最高潮
  • 三角胶
  • 至高点
  • 顶端
  • “顶点”(俄罗斯研制的一种空对空导弹代号AA-7)
  • =Advance Purchase Excursion 预售优惠价


1. the point on the celestial sphere toward which the sun and solar system appear to be moving relative to the fixed stars

Synonym: solar apexapex of the sun's way

2. the highest point (of something)

e.g. at the peak of the pyramid

Synonym: vertexpeakacme

1. (机构、体系的)最高地位,最高职位
The apex of an organization or system is the highest and most important position in it.

e.g. At the apex of the party was its central committee.

2. 尖端;顶点
The apex of something is its pointed top or end.

e.g. ...the apex of the pyramid.

1. 顶点:在之前本年度GDC中,该公司发表了一则关于使用NVidia 顶点(APEX)布料模拟技术的演讲,但是,直到现在我们只是看到了少量的截图以及部分技术说明,我们很难想象出最后效果如何.

2. 顶部:内耳的构造相当复杂深奥,简言之,不同频率的声波在充满淋巴液的耳蜗中进行,引起了基底膜(basilar membrane)不同位置的位移,卵圆窗附近的基底膜对高频敏感,而越往耳蜗顶部(apex)则对低频敏感,这个位移被毛细胞(hair cells)感

3. 顶:在赛道转弯处,其内缘极可能为车辆轮胎跨越之地方,或为车辆通过弯顶 (Apex) 切往跑道外侧边缘之地方,在路边与路肩交接处应有材质为混凝土之路缘石之设置,通常在弯顶之路缘石基本长度不得小於2.5公尺,而在出弯外侧不可少於5公尺.

  • 经典引文

  • A sick plunge at the apex of your stomach.

    出自:S. Gibbons
  • He sailed in and knocked them base over apex into a pile of Brussels sprouts.

    出自:P. G. Wodehouse
  • Our house stood at the apex of two carriage drives.

    出自:M. Keane
  • A community penetrated from apex to foundation by the moral law.

  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

The shift to zero point occurs from the 5th to 12th dimension. The 12th dimension is the Crystalline apex.(转移到零点会从5次元到12次元发生,第12次元是水晶的顶点。)
Not so, according to women I have interviewed who have reached the apex of their professions.(从我采访的那些已经达到事业顶点的女性来看并非如此。)
A visit to Paris should include a day-trip to Versailles where French royalty brought the classical French style to its apex.(到巴黎的观光者大都会选出一天去凡尔赛,因为那里呈现了皇室所造就的法国古典文明的顶峰。)
To maintain a balance, big "apex" fish may be as important as the small one.(为维持平衡,生态系统“顶点”的大鱼可能和小鱼一样重要。)
One common way to evaporate wealth is divorce, and Jackson had two, both after the apex of his career.(让财富蒸发的一个常见方式是离婚——杰克逊离了两次婚,而且都是在他职业生涯的鼎盛时期过后。)
Those hanging from every wall, or upon stands in the ground, are the works of those who came before them and reached the apex of their profession.(那些挂在每面墙上,或立在地面上的,是那些在她之前来,达到了艺术顶峰的前辈们的作品。)
They rigged up a tent-shaped scaffold directly above the tip of the horizontal column, with pulleys suspended from the scaffold's apex.(他们在水平立柱的顶端正上方安装了一个帐篷状的脚手架,在脚手架的顶端悬挂滑轮。)
Mandates that Apex code hosted on its cloud platform includes "asserts" in order to ensure that code is behaving as required.(要求驻留在其云平台上的Apex代码包含“保证”,以确保代码按预期运行。)
It's quite spectacular because here in the 1890s we have reached the apex of the Western classical orchestra, this big, beautiful, powerful instrument.(它非常壮观,因为在十九世纪九十年代,我们达到了西方古典管弦乐队的顶峰,这是一个巨大,美丽,有力的乐器。)
The APEX data shows that material in the jet is traveling at about half the speed of light.(APEX数据显示喷流中的物质正以一半光速的速度前进。)
apex是什么意思 apex在线翻译 apex什么意思 apex的意思 apex的翻译 apex的解释 apex的发音 apex的同义词