英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 10:17:08


英 [ˌæpəˈplektɪk]

美 [ˌæpəˈplɛktɪk]


副词: apoplectically

  • 英英释义

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1. pertaining to or characteristic of apoplexy

e.g. apoplectic seizure

1. 怒不可遏的;愤怒至极的
If someone is apoplectic, they are extremely angry about something.


e.g. It's enough to make them choke with apoplectic rage...
e.g. My father was apoplectic when he discovered the truth.

1. (中风患者):alienation (疏远) | apoplectic (中风患者) | boycott (联合抵制)

2. 患中风者:apophysis 隆起 | apoplectic 患中风者 | apoplexy 中风

3. 中风药:apomorphine 阿扑吗啡 | apoplectic 中风药 | aposandstone 石英岩

  • 经典引文

  • One of your stiff-starched apoplectic cravats.

My dear Bertha said miss ley the doctor will have an apoplectic fit if you say such things.(“我亲爱的伯莎,”莱伊小姐说,“你说这样的话会要使医生中风的。”)
The manifestation of the apoplectic sequela is almost the nidus softness, absorption and change.(中风后遗证几乎全部表现为病灶的软化、吸收改变。)
It's enough to make them choke with apoplectic rage.(足以气得让他们说不出话来。)
ConclusionScalp acupuncture should be first selected for the treatment of apoplectic sequela.(结论在针灸治疗缺血性中风后遗症中应首选头针进行治疗。)
It is concluded that self-prescription scalp acu-points were effective for apoplectic hemiplegia.(表明上述头穴组穴位处方是治疗中风偏瘫的有效处方。)
Objective:To observe clinical effects of zhonfengkang capsule treating apoplectic sequel.(观察中风康胶囊治疗中风后遗症的临床疗效。)
Objective: To explore the underlying mechanism of acupuncture in the treatment of apoplectic pseudobulbar paralysis.(目的:探讨针刺治疗中风性假性球麻痹的可能机理。)
Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of combined acupuncture and modern rehabilitation medicine for treating apoplectic aphasia.(目的观察针灸与现代康复医学结合治疗失语症的临床疗效。)
Objective To investigate the curative effect of acupuncture on apoplectic dyskinesia.(目的观察针灸治疗中风运动障碍的疗效。)
Method Yin meridian electroacupuncture was used to treat high muscular tension of limb in 37 cases of apoplectic hemiplegia.(方法运用阴经电针疗法治疗中风偏瘫肢体肌张力增高37例。)
apoplectic是什么意思 apoplectic在线翻译 apoplectic什么意思 apoplectic的意思 apoplectic的翻译 apoplectic的解释 apoplectic的发音 apoplectic的同义词