英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 10:17:09



英 [əˈpɒstrəfi]

美 [əˈpɑ:strəfi]


形容词: apostrophic

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1. the mark (') used to indicate the omission of one or more letters from a printed word

2. address to an absent or imaginary person

1. 撇号,省字号,所有格符号(符号为’)
An apostrophe is the mark ' when it is written to indicate that one or more letters have been left out of a word, as in 'isn't' and 'we'll'. It is also added to nouns to form possessives, as in 'Mike's car'.

1. apostrophe的解释

1. 撇号:使用撇号 '(apostrophe)来定义串列. 语法:'(a b c) 撇号' 指示在括号()内的是串列而不是一个单值 串列(list)相当于阵列,储存多个单值. 第32行:(gimp-display-new img) 秀出最后的结果,一张史莱姆字体的Gimp四个字的图

2. 单引号:A.3.1 PHP代码划分(Demarcation)如果字符串是文字(不包含变量),则用单引号(apostrophe)引起来:þ 根据产品的实际运行和被访问情况,找出哪些SQL语句是最常被执行的.

3. 省略符号:这个程序可以是一对省略符号(apostrophe)或者也可以是引用字元. 代表一个退位(backspace)字元. 抑制在回覆字串结尾的新列(newline)字元. 这是送出没有返 回字元尾随的字串的唯一方法. 它必须在送出字串的结尾. 例 如,

4. 顿呼:5.拟人化棗拟人化(Personification)描写无生之物有如生物:6.顿呼棗顿呼(Apostrophe)乃讲论不存在的事物:7.夸张法棗夸张法(Hyperbole)乃夸大之词:8.舛词棗舛词(Irony)是反面说法:9.寓意棗寓意(Allegory)是扩大的暗喻:10.比喻棗比

The apostrophe indicates a sound which is frequently uttered, but not written, in English.(这个撇号在英语里表示频繁的念出来但是不写出来的音。)
Before the seventeenth century the apostrophe was rare.(17世纪以前,撇号很少被运用。)
The apostrophe is used to express possession.(撇号用来表达所有格。)
A possessive noun is formed by adding apostrophe 's' (' s) to a noun.(所有格名词是表示拥有权的名词。)
The fourth line is particularly troubling because not only is the apostrophe missing but so is the substitution parameter.(第四行特别麻烦,因为不仅遗漏了撇号,而且还遗漏了替代参数!)
The purdue online writing lab also explains how to use an apostrophe correctly in possessives and other cases.(普渡在线写作研究室也解释了如何在所有格及其它时态中如何正确使用撇号。)
I put that word on the page, but he added the apostrophe.(我在纸上写下那个词,但他加了那一撇。)
Listing 11 shows an example of the escape sequences for a string that USES a single quote as an apostrophe.(清单11显示了一个转义字符串序列,它使用了一个引号作为省略号。)
The code in Listing 2 has no mystery about what a particular semicolon or apostrophe means.(在特定分号或撇号的含义方面,清单2中的代码没有任何隐晦之处。)
Before she reached the house, Gouvernail had lighted a fresh cigar and ended his apostrophe to the night.(在她回到住宅前,高维内尔重新点燃了一直雪茄,结束了他对夜晚的感叹。)
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