英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 10:17:12



英 [əˈpɒθəkəri]

美 [əˈpɑ:θəkeri]


名词复数: apothecaries

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1. a health professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugs

Synonym: pharmacistdruggistchemistpill pusherpill roller

1. 药剂师
An apothecary was a person who prepared medicines for people.


1. 药剂师:目前第一次内部测试开放的副职业为工匠(Crafter)和药剂师(Apothecary)两种. 工匠可以打造各种装备,最终成为打造神兵利器的一代宗师;而药剂师则可以制作各项药剂,大大的提高玩家自身的实力. 鱼与熊掌不可兼得,每位玩家只能选择一个副职业,

2. apothecary的解释

2. 药师:下一个原料是金精华(gold essence),可以从药师(Apothecary)的技能中获得,金精华的提炼要求有黄金草,黄金粉,水银和冷凝器. 金精华增加符咒的能量.


3. 药剂师, 药师:apotheca || 藏酒窖 | apothecary || 药剂师, 药师 | apothecial || 子囊盘的

Don's margins have grown so small that on three occasions he has had to put his savings into the Apothecary Shoppe in order to keep the doors open.(唐的利润实在太微薄了,为了继续经营下去他不得不三次用自己的积蓄贴补“药剂师专柜”。)
But the apothecary!(可是药剂师!)
The apothecary inquired who was ill?(药剂师问谁病了?)
The apothecary cooked the medicinal mixture in a big iron kettle.(药剂师在一个大铁壶里熬这种合药混物。)
Reduced the larger healing aura of the Chaplain and Apothecary from 4 to 2.(牧师和医师的治疗光环范围从4降到2(可能翻译有误…))
It was used as a common flavoring and apothecary drug, and was considered to contain magical powers.(它曾作为普通的调味品和药物,被认为拥有神奇的力量。)
Don Colcord has owned Nucla's Apothecary Shoppe for more than thirty years.(唐。克尔克特在纽克拉经营一家叫“药剂师专柜”的药店已经三十多年了。)
'Oh! He is greatly better, Sir,' returned the Apothecary.(“啊,他好多了,先生,”药剂师回答道。)
The apothecary and all the people thought him mad, and let him drive where he liked.(不过药剂师和所有在场的人都以为他是一个疯子,所以也就随便放他逃走了。)
Over the course of many days at the Apothecary Shoppe, I never saw a customer walk in whom Don doesn't know by name.(我在“药剂师专柜”待了这么些时日,来店里的客人没有一个是唐叫不上名字的。)
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