英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 09:30:20



英 [əˈpɪərəns]

美 [əˈpɪrəns]


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  • 出现,露面,来到,显露
  • 出版,刊行
  • 外貌,外观,外表
  • 演出,登台,出场
  • 出庭,到案
  • 现象,景象
  • 表面迹象
  • 幻想
  • 幽灵
  • [C]出现,显露,露面 coming into view; arrival
  • [C][U]外观,外貌,外表 that which shows; what sb/sth appears to be



1. the act of appearing in public view

e.g. the rookie made a brief appearance in the first period
it was Bernhardt's last appearance in America

2. pretending that something is the case in order to make a good impression

e.g. they try to keep up appearances
that ceremony is just for show

Synonym: show

3. formal attendance (in court or at a hearing) of a party in an action

Synonym: appearingcoming into court

4. outward or visible aspect of a person or thing

Synonym: visual aspect

5. a mental representation

e.g. I tried to describe his appearance to the police

6. the event of coming into sight

1. 出席;参加;露面
When someone makes an appearance at a public event or in a broadcast, they take part in it.


e.g. It was the president's second public appearance to date...
e.g. Keegan made 68 appearances in two seasons for Southampton, scoring 37 times.

2. 外貌;外表;外观
Someone's or something's appearance is the way that they look.


e.g. She used to be so fussy about her appearance...
e.g. He had the appearance of a college student...

3. (尤指出乎意料的)到来,出现
The appearance of someone or something in a place is their arrival there, especially when it is unexpected.

e.g. The sudden appearance of a few bags of rice could start a riot.
e.g. ...last Christmas, when there'd been the welcome appearance of Cousin Fred.

4. 出现;开始使用;问世
The appearance of something new is its coming into existence or use.

e.g. Flowering plants were making their first appearance, but were still a rarity...
e.g. Fears are growing of a cholera outbreak following the appearance of a number of cases in the city.

5. 样子;表现
If something has the appearance of a quality, it seems to have that quality.


e.g. We tried to meet both children's needs without the appearance of favoritism or unfairness...
e.g. The US president risked giving the appearance that the US was taking sides.

6. 从外表看来;显然
If something is true to all appearances ,from all appearances, or by all appearances, it seems from what you observe or know about it that it is true.

e.g. He was a small and to all appearances an unassuming man.

7. 装样子;撑场面;打肿脸充胖子
If you keep up appearances, you try to behave and dress in a way that people expect of you, even if you can no longer afford it.

e.g. His parents' obsession with keeping up appearances haunted his childhood.

8. 露一下面;到场稍作停留
If you put in an appearance at an event, you go to it for a short time although you may not really want to, but do not stay.

e.g. You must put in an appearance, at least, or she'll think you're avoiding her.

1. 外貌:请描述你的家人(父母或兄弟姐妹)的外貌(appearance)和个性(personality),要求尽量使用课文中学过的词汇(至少60个词)

2. 外表:2000年对皮尔和吉尔而言,真可谓是多姿多釆的一年,他们参与博洛尼亚(Bologna)举行的<Appearance)>>展览中获得推崇与致敬. 他们在阿维农(Avignon)举行的大型展览<>,展出<>的装置艺术作品.

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    撑门面,装阔气 maintain an outward show

1. at first appearance : 初看起来;

2. in appearance : 在外表上;

  • The sudden appearance of the teacher caused them to run away.
  • The last stage of the disease is marked by the appearance of blisters on the skin.
  • I will have to put in an appearance at a reception tomorrow.
  • She has made several television appearances recently.
  • His appearance is very neat.
  • She was a young woman of good appearance.
  • It had the appearance of an 18th century church.
  • He drew a conclusion by appearances.
用作名词 (n.)
  • The appearance of the fleet was unlooked for.

    出自:E. A. Freeman
  • I had not seen him approach, and the sudden appearance made me start.

    出自:J. Buchan
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  • 词源解说

  • appearance的基本意思是“出现”,可指人的突然出现或出席某宴会,也可指演员等登台亮相或在电视、电影中露面,还可指疾病等到了最后阶段所显现出的一些症状,常与动词make, put搭配。也可作“外表”“外观”解,常指经常性的总体印象,指人时,可指人的容貌或着装,既可用单数形式也可用复数形式; 指物时,可指建筑物的整体外观。
  • appearance作“种种迹象”解时,一般用复数形式。
Created with Highcharts 10.0.0词性常用度
appearance, aspect, countenance, face, feature, look, visage
  • 这组词都有“脸”“面貌”的意思。其区别在于:
  • 1.face意义广泛,可指人或动物的脸,也可指面部表情,还可指事物的外表等。例如:
  • She powdered her face before going to dinner.她去参加晚宴前往脸上搽了粉。
  • The little boy's face shone when I gave him the sweets.我把糖果给那个小男孩时,他脸上露出了高兴的神色。
  • The face of a city can change completely in a year.一个城市的面貌会在一年里完全改变。
  • 2.feature仅涉及耳口鼻等五官时只用单数形式,指整个容颜、面貌时则须用复数形式。例如:
  • Her mouth is her best feature.她的嘴长得最好看。
  • He is a boy with fine features.他是一个眉清目秀的美少年。
  • The veil she was wearing obscured her features.她戴的面纱遮掩了她的面容。
  • The light was so dim that I couldn't distinguish their features.光线太暗,我看不清他们的面貌。
  • 3.countenance的意思是“面容,面色”,有明显的感情色彩。例如:
  • She has a pleasing countenance.她有一张讨人喜欢的面孔。
  • At the sight of this photo he changed his countenance.他一看见这张照片脸色就变了。
  • The man being interrogated remained in countenance.正在受审的人依然镇定自若。
  • Her joke put him out of countenance.她的玩笑使他脸色不自然。
  • Despite the threats he kept his countenance.尽管受到威胁他仍面不改色。
  • 4.visage也指人或物的面貌、外表。主要用于书面语、文学语言中。例如:
  • The boss is always showing a grim visage to the workers.那老板总是对工人摆出一副铁板的脸。
  • 5.aspect多用于文学作品中,用于人时,指某人所特有的外貌,用于物时,指某事物给人造成的特殊印象。例如:
  • We became afraid of the angry aspect of the man.我们害怕那人生气的样子。
  • China's industry is assuming a new aspect.中国的工业正在呈现新的面貌。
  • 6.appearance只表示对人或事物的外表进行客观的记叙,强调整体外貌。例如:
  • He has the appearance of an able cadre.他那样子像个干练的干部。
  • The scribbles on the walls ruined the neat appearance of the hall.乱涂墙壁破坏了大厅的整洁外观。
  • Never judge appearance.不可以貌取人。
  • The dog is like a wolf in appearance.这只狗看上去像只狼。
  • She made a poor appearance on stage.她在舞台上表演不佳。
  • 7.look是普通用词,用单数时表示脸色、神色、外表; 用复数时,纯指面容,一般用在口语中。例如:
  • He sat down at the table with a weary look on his face.他面带倦容,在桌子旁边坐了下来。
  • The man put on a serious look.这人摆出一副严肃的神色。
  • You often judge a man by his looks, don't you?你老是根据相貌判断人,不是吗?
  • n.(名词)

      Don't judge by appearance.

      Don't judge by appearances.

      指看得见可能是假象的外表时, appearance应该用复数形式,区别于一般的外表或相貌。

    • ☆ 1400年左右进入英语,直接源自古法语的aparance;最初源自拉丁语的apparentem,意为相像,相近物。
    • 高考真题例句

    • 考研真题例句

    高考真题例句 OG 1.appearance

    Policymakers should start thinking now about how to make sure the appearance of driverless vehicles doesn't extend the worst aspects of the car-controlled transportation system we have today.



    考研真题例句 OG 1.appearance

    Though it may celebrate girlhood in one way, it also repeatedly and firmly fuses girls' identity to appearance.



    This may be the band's last public appearance together.(这可能是这个乐队最后一次全体公开亮相。)
    The sudden appearance of a security guard caused them to drop the money and run.(保安人员突然出现,他们丢下钱就跑了。)
    The privations of monastery life were evident in his appearance.(修道院生活的清苦从他的穿着外表明显地表露出来。)
    He worries obsessively about his appearance.(他过度烦恼自己的外表。)
    He took in every detail of her appearance.(他仔仔细细打量了她一番。)
    The plant resembles grass in appearance.(这种植物的外形像草。)
    Don't be fooled by his appearance.(不要被他的外表所蒙蔽。)
    She became neglectful of her appearance.(她变得不修边幅起来。)
    My appearance looked foreign.(我的外表看起来像外国人。)
    The two visitors provided a startling contrast in appearance.(两位来访者的外貌有惊人的不同。)
    appearance是什么意思 appearance在线翻译 appearance什么意思 appearance的意思 appearance的翻译 appearance的解释 appearance的发音 appearance的同义词