英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 10:18:01



英 [əˈpendɪks]

美 [əˈpɛndɪks]


名词复数: appendixes

  • 详情解释

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 附录
  • 【解】阑尾,盲肠,蚓突
  • 附庸
  • 附件,附属物,附加物
  • 附言
  • 补遗
  • 气量调节管
  • 附肢
  • 加附录于
  • 附加于
  • [C]附录 section that gives extra information at the end of a book or document
  • [C]阑尾,盲肠 small tube-shaped bag of tissue attached to the intestine


1. a vestigial process that extends from the lower end of the cecum and that resembles a small pouch

Synonym: vermiform appendixvermiform processcecal appendage

2. supplementary material that is collected and appended at the back of a book

In British English, the plural form appendices /ə'pendɪsiːz/ is usually used for meaning 2. 英国英语中,义项2的复数形式通常为appendices /ə'pendɪsiːz/。

1. 阑尾;盲肠
Your appendix is a small closed tube inside your body which is attached to your digestive system.

e.g. ...a burst appendix.

2. (书末的)附录
An appendix to a book is extra information that is placed after the end of the main text.

1. 附件:第十讲:附件(appendix) 附录同样是商业计划书的一个重要部分. 为了使正文言简意赅,许多不能在正文过多叙述的内容可以放在附录部分. 特别是一些表格、个人简历、市场调查结果、相关的辅助证明材料等,都应该放在附录部分. 一般附录包括: 1.

2. 阑尾:(2)阑尾(appendix) 阑尾附于盲肠后下端,形如蚯蚓,阑尾的位置极不一定. (3)结肠(colon) 结肠 分为升结肠、横结肠、降结肠和乙状结肠四段. 横结肠和乙状结肠有系膜结构,活动性很大. 升结肠及降结肠属于间位脏器,位置相对固定.

3. 盲肠:□盲肠(Appendix)最明显的特征是有大量的淋巴小结,它们会在此互相融合并伸入黏膜下层. 营养免疫学基础理论预防胜於治疗

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • This book has two appendixes.
  • I have recently had my appendix removed.
  • Idleness is an appendix to nobility.

    出自:Robert Burton
  • 词语用法

  • 词源解说

  • appendix的基本意思是“附录”,指正文后与正文有关的文章或参考资料。也可指人或动物的“阑尾”。
  • appendix作“附录”解时,复数形式为appendixes; 作“阑尾”解时,其复数形式为appendices。
  • ☆ 1540左右进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的appendix,意为附加在某物体上的。
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Ten-page appendix on "How To Write More Effectively."(十页关于“如何有效写作”的附录。)
The final list together with an appendix would be sent to the manager for his approval.(最终名单连同一份附录将被送到经理处等待审核。)
The second appendix briefly describes how to use CAD software to document your models.(第二篇附录简短地介绍了如何使用CAD软件来记录您的模型。)
His comprehensive apprehension about the appendix of the pendulum is obvious.(他对钟摆附录的全面理解是显而易见的。)
I had to have my appendix out.(我只好把盲肠切除了。)
The textbook has an appendix, which is a reasonable measure of how much math you should know.(教科书有一个附录,它是你应该掌握多少数学知识的合理衡量。)
The new study found that 70 percent of rodent and primate groups have species with an appendix.(这项新的研究发现,70%的啮齿动物和灵长类动物的物种具有阑尾。)
For specification information on, see Appendix B11.(有关的规范信息,请参阅附录B11。)
For examples of such formats, refer to Appendix a.(要获得这些格式的例子,请参考附录a。)
Not in the appendix?(不在附录里吗?)
appendix是什么意思 appendix在线翻译 appendix什么意思 appendix的意思 appendix的翻译 appendix的解释 appendix的发音 appendix的同义词