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更新时间:2025-03-10 10:20:26



英 [ˈærəb]

美 [ˈærəb]




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  • 阿拉伯人
  • 阿拉伯马
  • 街头流浪儿,流浪者,流浪汉,无家可归者
  • 贝都因人(在阿拉伯半岛和北非沙漠地区从事游牧的阿拉伯人)
  • 阿拉伯的
  • 阿拉伯人的

1. 阿拉伯人
Arabs are people who speak Arabic and who come from the Middle East and parts of North Africa.


2. 阿拉伯的;阿拉伯人的
Arab means belonging or relating to Arabs or to their countries or customs.

e.g. On the surface, it appears little has changed in the Arab world.

1. 阿拉伯人:整体而言,非洲大陆撒哈拉以南主要是黑色人种居住,但撒哈拉以北主要是白肤色的阿拉伯人(Arab)和柏柏人(berber)居住. 在南部非洲还有数百万欧洲白人后裔,所有这些人都自称货真价实的非洲人(Africans).

2. 阿拉伯:直到8月25日,苏军在阿拉巴马州的实际前沿只是在莫尔顿(Mou)-法尔克维尔(Falkville)-阿拉伯(Arab)一线,而法尔克维尔以北4千米处的交通重镇哈特塞尔(Hartselle)还在美国人手中--虽然她不时遭到苏军的炮轰,

3. 阿拉伯马:和阿拉伯马(Arab)一样,它在马的品种培育上占有不容否认的重要地位,然而他却较不为人知,不像阿拉伯马那么出名. 柏布马最初被带到欧洲时,常常被欧洲人误认为是阿拉伯马,因为北非的居民也是回教徒,也说阿拉伯语.


4. 阿拉伯;阿拉伯的:Ar 氩 | Arab 阿拉伯;阿拉伯的 | ArabAccountingDinar 阿拉伯记帐第纳尔

The Arab spring may yet turn to summer.(阿拉伯的春天还有可能转为夏天。)
What if the Arab spring turns to winter?(阿拉伯的春天变成冬天将会怎样?)
Basaltic rocks also support springs, notably at the Jabal Al-Arab on the Jordan-Syria border.(玄武岩同样可以提供泉水,最具代表性的是在约旦和叙利亚边界的JabalAl-Arab河。)
The Arab League is meeting in emergency session today.(阿拉伯国家联盟今天正在举行紧急会议。)
For example, the United Arab Emirates has endorsed an ambitious target to draw 24% of its primary energy consumption from renewable sources by 2021.(例如,阿联酋已经批准了一个雄心勃勃的目标,即到2021年实现24%的主要能源消耗提取自可再生能源的目标。)
In the 860's the Byzantine Empire began to recover from Arab incursions so that by 872 the military balance with the Abbasid Caliphate had been permanently altered in the empire's favor.(860年代,拜占庭帝国开始从阿拉伯人的入侵中恢复,因此到872年,与阿拔斯王朝的军事平衡永久地成为帝国的优势。)
In the 60s El-Shinnawy penned the romantic verse that would bring him renown throughout the Arab world.(在60年代,埃尔·希纳维写了浪漫的诗句,使他闻名于整个阿拉伯世界。)
In the United Arab Emirates, status is important, so the most senior or oldest should be greeted first with their titles.(在阿联酋,地位是很重要的,所以应该先向那些地位最高或最年长的人打招呼,同时需要称呼他们的头衔。)
An old Arab proverb says, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."(有一句古老的阿拉伯谚语说:“我敌人的敌人是我的朋友。”)
Most Saudis are ethnically Arab.(大多数沙特人是阿拉伯人。)
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