英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 10:24:30



英 [ˈɑ:tɪfɪs]

美 [ˈɑ:rtɪfɪs]



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1. a deceptive maneuver (especially to avoid capture)

Synonym: ruse

1. 技巧;策略;诡计
Artifice is the clever use of tricks and devices.

e.g. Weegee's photographs are full of artfulness, and artifice.

1. artifice的解释

1. 技巧:93畴是思想的自然律则,对我们而言它们则是人类技巧(artifice)的产物. 然而,由这两种观涂尔干认为强调个体及个体对於自然力(natural forces)的知觉将导致认识论的问题

2. 策略,诡计:artifact 人工制品 | artifice 策略,诡计 | artificial 人造,虚伪的

3. 技巧、诡计:artificial climbing 徒手攀登 | artifice 技巧、诡计 | artificer 技师

  • 经典引文

  • Though they abounded in milk, they had not the Artifice of Cheese.

    出自:Sir T. Browne
  • Does it not counterwork the artifice of nature?

    出自:D. Hume
Linux containers are really a conceptual artifice built atop several Linux technologies.(Linux容器是根据几种Linux技术构建的概念性工件。)
The success of Zhi Yin is not only owing to its management but its narrative mode and artifice.(《知音》的成功,除源于其经营管理之外,还得益于其故事文本的叙事方式和叙事技巧。)
We must use all our scientific artifice to protect it.(我们必须使用我们所有的科学手段来保护它。)
They escaped by artifice.(他们设巧计而逃。)
Artifice derma organizes occurrence nugget, why to repeat after the operation proliferous?(手腕真皮组织出现硬块,手术后为什么重复又增生?)
Arbus started out in fashion photography in partnership with her husband, Allan Arbus, but by the mid-1950s she had rejected its artifice.(阿勃丝起初与她的丈夫艾伦•阿勃丝搭档拍摄时装摄影,但到五十年代中期她已经拒绝时装摄影的欺瞒诡计。)
The advertising is one of many sales promotion artifice.(作广告是许多促销手段中的一种。)
Sonar is the manly artifice of positioning, navigation and communication for the underwater target.(声纳是对水下目标进行定位、导航和通讯的主要手段。)
Weegee's photographs are full of artfulness, and artifice.(维加的照片充满了奇技妙想。)
This is "late Shakespeare, " and he relishes artifice and dense poetry.(这是「莎士比亚后期」,此时他钟爱诡计与浓烈的诗。)
artifice是什么意思 artifice在线翻译 artifice什么意思 artifice的意思 artifice的翻译 artifice的解释 artifice的发音 artifice的同义词